injured duck

  1. F

    What’s wrong

  2. 1

    Injured Duck, Need Help

    I came across my duck laying down, barely able to move this morning. He is unable to stand or move much and it appears that he is unable to open his bill on his own. He has been cheeping constantly. I do not see any physical injures but am new to ducks. I did check the band on his leg but it’s...
  3. Loosiegoosie

    Help! Duck having trouble breathing

    It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here for help which is good…one of my ducks had a tussle with one of my geese. She was found flapping around unable to walk in their pen. The first.few days she could breathe fine. She was eating and drinking with added electrolytes. Then she started...
  4. R

    Duck not walking and pecked at

    Hi everyone, New duck mom here 👋🏼. This duck (I assume female) was discovered this afternoon just laying around. I approached her and instead of standing she used her wings to try to get around. That was her state all day. I put her in the pool and she stood on both feet and moved around in...
  5. Fangeddeer

    Ducks front middle claw ripped off completely, should I be worried?

    I took my ducks swimming like usual, then I noticed my little one had something red on their toe, I took them (Still unsure of gender) out of their carrier, and realized their whole nail was gone, now that’s left is this red thing. I think it’s the quick? It doesn’t seem to hurt them because I...
  6. Birdmama2020

    Injured duck

    Hello everyone, I am hoping I can get some advice on what the best thing to do for my injured rouen girl. About two weeks ago my flock was attacked by a mink. All were killed except my two rouen ladies( mother and daughter.) Since then, the daughter (judy) neck has been like this :( the bites to...
  7. EmilyD123

    Injured duck

    I have a duck who flew into the outside corner of the coop today and her wing is now hanging and she has a pretty large bulge on her chest. The bump on her chest is worrying me more than the wing, does anybody know what she may have broken? Will be calling the vet Monday but was hoping to get...
  8. Quacking ducks

    Injured duck

    I just got home from vacation and noticed that one of my duck’s face is a little swollen and the top of one of her nails is scraped “I think the hole top layer”. How can I help her? She is a lot calmer too which is a little odd for her. Any ideas? Thank you
  9. Muscovy-palooza

    Injured duck foot

    Our Cayuga has an injured foot. One of his toes is separated from the web. I put wonder dust on it to stop the bleeding and put him in a dog crate bedded with hay and food and water. Any suggestions appreciated.
  10. BelovedBirds

    Dougie has hurt herself again!

    This morning I quickly realised that Dougie isn't putting weight on one leg, she's holding it, out (forward, perhaps slightly to the side) but above ground, whenever she attempts to walk on it, she limps or falls, it's definitely causing her pain. I felt the leg and haven't noticed any heat...
  11. K

    Older duck with leg issues

    Hello, my mom has two ducks that are about 5-6 years old and about two weeks ago, one of them stopped walking and her hip/haunches are really bony and pushing up in her wings. My educated guess has been it's a bad niacin deficiency but I'm not really sure. For about 5 days now we have been...
  12. M

    What killed my duck and how to care for the one left behind

    This morning I went to feed and water and found one of my ducks injured and one missing without a trace. We had 2 ducks together in a pin with a duck house. The duck left behind has a small circular wound on the side of her head and a larger wound on her lower back. The other is just gone no...
  13. H

    My Duck Has a Swollen neck

    I woke up this morning to let my ducks out of their coop, when I saw that one of them had her head stuck. I immediately ran outside and got it out, but she’s pretty swollen all around her neck and her breathing is pretty labored. We are currently chilling inside away from the other duck, but I...
  14. C


    Hey everyone i hope you’re all doing well, so yesterday i was in the backyard with my duck because i was gonna let her swim in her little tub, and one of my chihuahuas bit her on the left side of her neck and the left side of her chest, and when that happened which lasted like 2 seconds she...
  15. M

    HELP- Injured Duck not Eating

    Friday afternoon I found my two ducks separated and hurt. My best guess is they we’re attacked by dogs, which plucked most of their feathers and tore their skin. I brought the ducks in and cleaned them as best I could, google said to clean the wounds with saline so I did. While there is a lot of...
  16. Greystone farm

    Feather plucking—how to treat?

    My little mallard duck, Rowan, flew over the fence divider between my two flocks today 😬 Her flock loves her, but my second flock are three times as big and don’t like her at all. I found her tonight on their side of the run with the feathers on the back of her little neck all plucked and raw...
  17. gusandsienna

    Hello everyone! Need advice on my 2 year old female duck

    Hello everyone, finally decided to join this community! Turns out my 2 y.o. female duck can't walk after my heavy drake overbred her. This happened about a week ago, we found her inside their swimming pool, barely moving. Took her out and both have been separated since then. She had some...
  18. J

    INJURED DUCK from hawk attack Need help ASAP!

    My pekin duck was attacked by a hawk earlier today and I managed to find her but she had wounds on her neck, I'm not sure how bad it is or how deep the wounds are but she can't stand up. I applied disinfectant to the wounds but she is still struggling. We tried putting her in a closed pet...
  19. J

    Help! injured Duck

    Recently a fox got into our backyard and killed one of our ducks and injured the other, a little over a year old khaki Campbell. We originally thought most of the wounds were surface level and a broken wing and we thought in her distress after the incident that she was better left alone than us...
  20. N

    EMERGANCY- missing duck and injured duck.

    last night my ducks were attacked by something. Now one of my ducks are missing without a trace. the other his hurt imping and a droopy wing, not sleepy or eating. my drake seems to be unharmed and is the one who called us during the incident. any advice for either duck would be extremely helpful.
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