loss of appetite

  1. D

    Please help my duck is very sick

    My ducks has suddenly become very unwell overnight. I woke her up this morning and she has been lethargic, not eating, hardly drinking and throwing up. She’s keeping her eyes closed but doesn’t look to be sleeping. I’ve tried giving her all her favourite foods but nothing is working. I went to...
  2. Chevysmom

    Sick duck! Help!

    Yesterday my 1 year old khaki Campbell was not wanting to eat much and then I discovered she was egg bound. I gave her an epsom salt soak and within 30 min she laid one regular egg and one egg yolk only, and then had a soft shell hanging out of her. I gently tried to pull the soft shell out and...
  3. ThreeHappyDucks

    Help My Pekin duck is bleeding from her vent. Corid doesn’t seem to work.

    Hi my 1year old female Pekin duck Cheeseball is bleeding with clear discharge out of her vent. She is not moving and eating for 2 days. We gave her corid having thought that she had coccidiosis however later my husband and I noticed the blood was not mixed with her poop but comes after the poop...
  4. T

    Help. Chick with white lump in throat. Wont eat.

    One of my chicks has a lump in her throat. After shining a flashlight down her open mouth, I spotted a big white lump in the area where I felt it. She doesn't have a foul smell on her breath. Just the white lump. She also doesn't have much of an appetite. What is this and how can I treat it?
  5. L

    approx 7wk old duck w/ diarrhea

    Hello! I have an unknown mallard cross that is approx 7wks old. She/he has had diarrhea for approx 28hrs now - I added a pic. She is also more quiet, less active (this baby has never been extremely active to begin with and prefers to be a lap duck -_-). She has little to no appetite. They...
  6. C

    Poorly duckling - loss of appetite, lethargic

    Hi from England. we rescued a wild duckling 4 days ago. We really didn’t think It would make it but with a full day of water, food and rest it soon became full of life. Every morning it’s has woke me crying at 6am and then when I get to it happy chirping (genuine happiness to see me) and...
  7. C

    My pullet won't or can't stand up!

    2 days ago my pullet came out of the hoop coop limping. No matter how much space you give them they like to pile up like circus performers on the roosts so I thought perhaps the Brahma sat on her. We checked her legs and hips. Everything felt fine. I thought she would just work it out. She...
  8. goodatnaps

    6mo pullet can't move legs, lethargic, vet Dx seems wrong

    My 6ish month old layer Diana (she's laid maybe 3-4 eggs total, stopped the day after she lost the ability to stand/hobble) started limping about two weeks ago. We noticed one of her toes was curled out and backwards, and she was hobbling to avoid putting pressure on it. We tried to split the...
  9. S

    Sick Hen With White Diarrhea! Please Help!

    My 2 1/2 year old Austra White Started Having White Diarrhea and is not wanting to eat or drink much. She seems like she still has some energy left in her but otherwise is not doing much. She doesn't have a fever and my other girls are doing good. I have already separated her and gave her...
  10. Coye16

    2.5yr Pekin Bantam: Advice Please: Sick, Grieving or Lonely?

    Hi Everyone Abit of background: Afew weeks ago I posted a thread about my Pekin Bantam - she had a swollen eye/ earlobe with a tick on which we removed. She was lethargic & not eating much & after 2.5 days the swelling did not go down. We took her to the vet who gave her an antibiotic injection...
  11. Theerwinhomestead

    Fox attack

    Hey there, One of my hens was attacked by a fox she only had minor wounds and was in shock. I cleaned her wounds and put neosporin on them. I left her with the rest of the flock for the first night and day but then noticed she seemed tired and was closing her eyes standing up so I separated her...
  12. Chickenunsernam

    My rooster has lost his appetite and eats the strangest of things

    I have rooster (Francis) that I got a few weeks ago. He was fine and had an astounding appetite- he'd eat anything and everything...literally. I found him once eating bits of burnt wood and just recently he was eating sand! I'm really worried, I've never had a chicken or rooster with this type...
  13. Norwegian Chicken

    Hen won't eat, no other signs of illness?

    Hei all, I realise this is probably topic #128391 regarding a weird illness. But, I have been reading a lot of information (including this forum and others) on chicken illnesses but cannot figure out what is going on. This forum seems to be full of knowledge I don't have, hence I am posting...
  14. D

    Cant get chicken medicine -- chick is having a hard time breathing

    my chick is having a hard time breathing. I dont know much about the chickens i have but i know they are between 8 months to a year old. one of them is not eating very much and is standing in place. she sounds like shes having a hrd time breathing and i dont really know what to do. I've called...
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