
  1. C

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I have a sick bird in need of Baytril (enrofloxacin), and I need help determining the correct measurements. I purchased "Enrofloxacin 10% Powder." The packaging includes instructions for administering the drug in drinking water, but because my chicken is not drinking much and the taste of...
  2. black5wann

    Possible Egg Bound / Soft Egg Situation - Need Guidance

    1) Bird was adopted from a neighbor so not sure of specifics, possibly Rhode island white, about 4 years old, potentially lighter than other chickens we have, but she is top of the pecking order and always eats a lot 2) The past couple of months she’s had issues with soft eggs. We chalked it up...
  3. M

    Azure chicken post-salpingitis nice egg with no shell. Causes?

    Two weeks ago, my SO and I noticed that one of our chickens wasn't feeling well. It turned out to be a case of a lash egg, and consequently salpingitis. We began treatment with antibiotics on the day we discovered it, and we have been continuing the treatment since then (as instructed, for a...
  4. W

    Salpingitis? Peritonitis?

    Hello all. I had a white leghorn pass this morning after showing signs of what seemed to be an egg-binding, however I performed a necropsy a little while ago, and found what was very clearly a lash egg in her abdomen. Does this mean she definitely had salpingitis, and if so, does that mean she...
  5. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Does anyone recognize this? It’s that a worm or just part of the poop? I’m thinking she is/has developed EYP based on symptoms from another chicken I have. Salpingitis? Worm or just black poop? Would greatly appreciate any thoughts!
  6. K

    ENORMOUS lash egg stuck in abdomen

    One of my lovely 3y/o isas has what i am speculating as a lash egg the size of a baseball inside her abdomen. As background, she’s been a dodgy layer since day dot, and has laid many lash eggs in the past and gotten over countless associated infections. She hasn’t laid an egg or had an...
  7. E

    Anything contagious that presents as either salpingitis or water belly/ascites?

    Hello, I have unfortunately lost 2 of my ex-battery girls quite close together, and have another 2 hens I am concerned about. I’m pretty sure one of the deceased had salpingitis as I found a lash egg not long ago and one of the ones I am worried about now may have water belly as she is starting...
  8. arosenzweig

    Lash egg (puss pocket)

    "Pumpkin" expelled something odd. Perhaps a "lash egg" which is a puss-like substance. I've attached photos, do you agree or have other ideas? If so, can you recommend a drug or treatment that might help? She is the last of her flock and lives full-time indoors with us (free reign of the...
  9. B

    Stuck lash egg any advice please

    Hi My lovely ex battery hen was having breathing issues and a slightly distended abdomen. I took her to the vet who diagnosed EYP she gave her the hormone injection chorulon due to the implant not being in stock. She also is on anti inflammatory pain relief and Baytril. Although the swelling...
  10. K

    Tips for diagnosing a swollen bottom?

    Hi all. I have a hen whose bottom has been getting larger within the last month, during which period she has stopped laying (normal for this time of year anyway). Her abdomen feels firm, but not solid. It’s squish-able but not squishy. Symmetrical and no solid characteristics or landmarks. It...
  11. S

    Help with lash eggs

    Hey so..i am not a usual chicken owner or anything but, a couple of weeks ago a random chicken appeared infront of my house, so i took it in, it seems to be a laying hen and seems to be doing alright apart from soiled back feathers, while the oviduct of the chicken seems clean. She eats very...
  12. P

    Well I did my best... (Ascites) here's the story!

    A little story with the hopes to learn smth I don't know yet from everyone who reads it. I found one of my chickens in a penguin stance and immediately suspected egg bound situation. After 3 bath salts and aaaa loooot of reading I checked for egg and there was none. You can see how miserable...
  13. chickbee

    Take water away? Hen dying, Vet says Lash egg,Salpingitis, Perionitis etc, Excessively drinking water

    I have a hen that is around 3years old. I took her in from a rescue after she was already laying around 1 yrs old. Healthy since then. She is getting over a respiratory infection, possibly mycoplasma. She was treated with Tylan injections few weeks ago. After meds and a week of TLC she got...
  14. Wild-Turkey

    Severe Salpingitis, Possible Reproductive Cancer? (GRAPHIC NECROPSY PHOTOS)

    Our Salmon Faverolle hen (almost 3 years old) started showing symptoms of an issue a week ago. She stopped eating and drinking, started acting lethargic. She refused to get on the roost at night and acted uncomfortable if put up, but would stay on it. Noticed severe weight loss and head...
  15. K

    Treating Salpingitis (lash egg) without a poultry vet, please help! xx

    One of my chickens has laid what I now believe to be a lash egg. I’m hoping to receive some clarification here about treatment possibilities, and my hen’s outlook. I do not have access to a poultry vet. My #1 suspect has always been a dodgy layer. Her first egg was a huge triple yolker, and...
  16. RedLionChooks

    Treating for salpingitis - ok to use probiotic?

    Hello fellow flock keepers! A while back, I posted a thread with concerns with a hen who was laying rubber eggs and had diarrhea with some worms. Treated for worms. Turned out to be salpingitis (she layed a lash egg 😞) . Thankfully, there is an avian vet in the area, as well as an avian lab...
  17. Susie Seagrave

    Salpingitis or not? Mystery condition

    I have four much-loved Girls but two-year old 'Cantona', who was an excellent layer, seems to have a problem with her poo, and a lack of eggs. Although she looks like an active, healthy hen, my first thought was Salpingitis, having lost a hen to it some years ago, but there's been no lash egg. I...
  18. KMacK13

    Whats wrong with the Hens?

    One of my hens has fallen ill. She is a RI Red and about 5 years old. It started with a poopy butt, and then turned into a swollen abdomen, tight with fluids, which one day even moved to her chest. She is now waddling like a penguin and uses her wings to keep her balance. I initially thought she...
  19. melechix

    Early signs of Salpingitis/lash egg

    One of my hens laid a big lash egg today. We have had a sick hen (New Hampshire Red, about 4 yrs) with a swollen rear end since Jan. 1. At the time, she went to the vet, I had her inside for 10 days and we tried 2 antibiotics. Nothing worked, so we have put her back with the flock and she seems...
  20. ElmCityChickens

    Egg with soft tail

    My mom gave me some chickens a few months ago, and they came to live with me in the city. They have a large portion of the yard to roam, and we live near a big park with other wild animals which is not great because of hawks and wild birds with bugs on them. They do get bugs on them as well but...
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