welsh harlequin

  1. L

    Help sex 5 week welsh harlequin

    Would anyone be able to attempt in helping me see if I have a drake or hen? The duckling pictures are from when my WH was only a week old. When I go to pick the WH up it is very very loud! And I believe it is quacking and not the raspy sound. But when it is just walking about sometimes it...
  2. Papaye

    Questions about different duck breeds

    Hello. I would like to add some new duck breeds in my yard... I already own Indian Runner ducks and chickens. I would want to add at least one breed that could live and free range together with my birds - with these qualities if possible : 1 - good egg layers (a breed that lays even in winter...
  3. M

    Aggressive Call Drake singling out much larger female

    I have 6 calls, 2 welsh harlequins, and a Cayuga housed together. They all grew up together & have been fine up until recently. One of my male calls has been chasing my harlequin hen. Obviously he's not hurting her, but he's kind of constantly biting at her butt and chasing her around. I feel...
  4. Q

    Welsh Harlequins Male or Female?

    We have four Welsh Harlequins just over 6 weeks old. We thought they were all males based on coloration, but I'm pretty sure I heard one of them quack. They don't make much noise except for chirping so it's hard to tell based on voice. Do females sometimes start out dark like this or are they...
  5. Waddlewoods

    Welsh Harlequin Colour Phase

    Hey! Wondering if anyone had any insight as to which colour phase my 5 week old Welshies are. Also any guesses on sex? The lighter one had the pinker bill as a baby (breeder said this isn't very accurate with her ducks) and is much louder than the other who has yet to make any noise other...
  6. Jvillemudkitten


    I know there are several threads on bumblefoot and I swear I’ve combed through them all.. but I figured I would add mine to the mix.. I have a welsh harlequin, free range, who now has her 2nd case of bumblefoot in 2 years.. this time it’s pretty severe. I’ll add photos to the end. It went on...
  7. sheenersb

    Introducing 6 week olds to 9 week olds… not going well, guidance needed.

    I have four, 9 week old Cayugas and six, 6 week old Welsh Harlequins. 2 Cayugas are drakes. The remaining 8 ducks are girls. The Cayugas have been outside for 2-3 weeks in their coop and run. We have a larger fenced off area within the greater back yard where they forage and we also have been...
  8. KimberBee

    hatching ducks

    I'm new to hatching ducks (welsh harlequin) with an incubator. I let the wrong duck get broody and she's not the best broody duck. I took the eggs from her b/c she was leaving too long and she crushed one (accidentally, I'm sure). She also got mean. None of my other ducks have bitten me when...
  9. Blanca the second.JPG

    Blanca the second.JPG

    My welsh harlequin girl.
  10. C

    Welsh harlequin?

    I am a first time duck owner, and I was just sold three ducklings as welsh Harley Quinn, but they stand up quite straight, kinda like an Indian runner so I’m just wondering if they are of not. https://ibb.co/vQFTkf7 https://ibb.co/L99d0dj
  11. M

    2 Ducks died of tumors, one more showing signs

    Hi, so for the past couple of months, I have had very alarming concerns with my ducks and need help badly. I have 5 ducks right now, but 2 died in the past couple of months from what was identified as cancer. One had tumors in his testes and liver, while another had one between his wing. I have...
  12. Ducklings: A Little Less Mess

    Ducklings: A Little Less Mess

    👋This is not our original idea. Click a link below to watch our video of a feeding station we made for our ducklings. It's saved us so much time and money. We hope it helps you too. Link to YouTube Video Duckling Feeding Station Link to Facebook Video Duckling Feeding Station
  13. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    [POLL] If you had to choose between getting a Welsh Harlequin or Silver Appleyard, which one would you get?

    If I had to choose between them, I would probably go with Welsh Harlequins. What about you? I would like to know.
  14. Marty and Eli

    Marty and Eli

  15. Greystone farm

    Duck vent is dirty and weird

    Hi! My one year old Welsh Harlequin duck Layla’s vent looks really strange and gross. It’s almost like there’s stuff right inside of it radiating around it (it’s isn’t protruding abnormally I just gently pulled around it so you could see in the picture). It looks like greenish chunks but I don’t...
  16. KikiDeAnime

    Can 3 drakes live together, separately from the flock?

    We have 3 drakes that I plan on, hopefully, separating into their own pen in a couple weeks but I need some feedback from you all. Currently all 3 get along perfectly living together with the females and 2 younger ducks. I do keep an eye on all of them to make sure they leave each other alone...
  17. A

    Which would you use?

    Hi everyone, I have a welsh harlequin that has had walking problems since birth. She just seems to walk stiff legged, if that makes sense. No bending, just straight, stiff stomps. A couple weeks ago she started limping and pretty heavily. She had to use her wings to stand and even then she...
  18. Onnalee13


    Just found this forum and am excited to learn more! New to yard birds as of this spring, but already love it. We bought a house on a couple of acres including a pond.. thus it begins lol. I was looking at identifying duck breeds and found this group. We currently have three drakes (2 khaki...
  19. M

    [EMERGENCY] Duck hatched an egg, we don't know what to do

    Hi, so I have a Male Welsh Harlequin who turns 11 in July and a Female Saxony thats about 2-3. We never expected them to hatch any young, but I heard peeps from the nest she sits on, and now I'm scrambled figuring out what to do. We have raised ducklings before but never beyond the nest. We need...
  20. J

    3 Welsh Harlequins In Need of Rehoming

    Hello! I’m needing to downsize my flock and have 3 Welsh Harlequins that are all 1 year old - 1 Drake and 2 Hens - needing to be rehomed. We’ve had them since day-olds and would love to keep them together if possible. Haven’t posted here before, please let me know if there’s any other...
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