➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Batch 2.
My 19.
I think there are 8 boys and 11 are girls.
I think.

BTW the triplets might all die this weekend.
They look big enough.
Wait until you have enough for everyone. :)

Batch 1 coming up on 4 weeks old. I'm gonna hafta do a head count and check gender. I've done an informal survey and keep getting different numbers. These buggers are fast. Good news. The cage is working. Watering and food not optimal. Time to redecorate.

Batch 2 to the brooder!
Wait until you have enough for everyone. :)

Batch 1 coming up on 4 weeks old. I'm gonna hafta do a head count and check gender. I've done an informal survey and keep getting different numbers. These buggers are fast. Good news. The cage is working. Watering and food not optimal. Time to redecorate.

Batch 2 to the brooder!
I'm so worried that they're going to start fighting.
They grew up together. Think of it as rough housing. Your kids didn't kill each other. I thought several people suggested bachelor pads away from the ladies. Controls the hormones. Or is that only for chickens?
Well they haven't killed each other yet and I've only actually caught one being mean twice but I'm still worried.
it may be....i’m not up on my colors completely yet...i just know autumn amber was a possibility in the rare assortment. this batch has several red range, tibetan tuxedo, at least 1 more pearl and several that i didn’t have before. had to assist a few last night (wrong end and middle pippers) they aren’t doing too well:he:hitmay have to figure out an icu to get some nutridrench in them. doubtful any more will hatch healthy now because of humidity drop:thi kept it up well yesterday but it fell to 35% overnight.

Oh no! I hope your wee ones turn around!!

I think he is a roux dilute, but I'd love to see his back. Roux dilute + italian = autumn amber. So once you have one it's easy to get the other :D although it's important to note females take two copies of roux to express so it will require some back breeding to get roux or autumn amber hens.

Well they haven't killed each other yet and I've only actually caught one being mean twice but I'm still worried.

As long as they have some space to get away they won't *kill* each other, but expect some scuffles. Also, once you separate brothers they do not enjoy going back together.
Number nineteen didn’t survive.
Usually around 7 to 8 weeks. At first it will be hard to tell the difference between the two but within a couple of weeks the color of the head feathers will change from the grayish color of both to white throat with a black eye stripe and crest for males. And the females will have buff colored throat and head with a chestnut colored eye stripe to their head feathers.
Male and Female Bobwhites
View attachment 1673869
Immature Bobwhite
View attachment 1673876


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