➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Testicles. I only slaughtered males. Still trying to figure out the white TX A&Ms... I really want to be sure to just cull males and that I have 3 male breeders still. Hoping I don't find ovaries - that would be a failure on my part.
No, it would be a successful lesson. You would figure out what you missed, and realize that nothing is 100%.
Hatcheries make mistakes all the time. Goodness, even at the end of a pregnancy, a Woman can be told that her child is a different sex.
No, it would be a successful lesson. You would figure out what you missed, and realize that nothing is 100%.
Hatcheries make mistakes all the time. Goodness, even at the end of a pregnancy, a Woman can be told that her child is a different sex.
That is fair to say. The real worry is not keeping 3 that are males - what if I kill all the A&M males?! Although, I started to consider not breeding the A&Ms if sexing is so difficult.. I am going to give it another go this weekend.
@BReeder! Did you see the post at the beginning of this whole epic thread? I downloaded it, so I’ll attach it here, in case it’s any use to you or anyone else. I’m guessing it’s like most diagrams... easier to see in a drawing than in a real, living creature. Still, if it would help...


EDIT: I did also read that the foam isn’t always in evidence, fwiw. You may or may not succeed in expressing it... I imagine it might depend on whether the roo has recently been performing his duties and has run a bit short of foam for the moment.
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LOL I would read “below the vent” as the side of the vent distal to the bird’s main body mass... thus the tail-side. But I can easily see how it could be taken the way you understood it.
Thank you... when a bird is upside down and you are looking at its butte, above and below become debatable to say the least.

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