➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

As promised here are some pics of some of my button quail I hatched out from shipped eggs.
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3 waterers, 1 plain water and 2 with Nutri-Drench. A bath towel on top of shavings, paper towels on top of bath towel. Feed pulverized and sprinkled over the paper towels.
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Hours old chicks and waterer.
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A hobo nickle, penny, dime for size comparison.
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Waterer is about 4" tall. Got them from an eBay seller. 6 waterers for $14 included shipping. They are absolutely 'drown proof'.

Soooo cute! :love and those are really nice waterers!

They probably would work in a wire cage where you could use the straps to hold the waterer in place but with my brooders I'd be afraid they would knock it over and make a wet mess out the brooder in short order! :lol:

You kno i have some 8 wk chickens chicks and i have a small bungie cord attaching their waterer to their cage cuz theyre wild things. But these guys will be in a tank thats why i just banked on using the ole quail waterers w pebbles like for normal quailies
Is anyone else incubating Button quail eggs? I got roughly a dozen and a half today. They are way tinier than I expected, and oh my, the colour! They're like olives. How does one remove the chicks from the incubator without squishing them? Even the coturnix are incredibly fragile, and these eggs are half their size, easy.
Be careful removing the chicks, they like to run out of your hands. I usually pick up only 1 at a time to make sure I don't drop them. Make sure their walking surface is even more grippy than for coturnix, they get splayed legs easily.
It works becuz she knows if she makes me i really would lock the doors. Theres bottled water in the fridge outside. And yes we live in the sauna state So i dont Ever do this from 11 - 4 during the hottest part of the day. That would be cruel i avoid the heat myself. Though, when i was a kid :old my dh n i were jus talkn about this w brother in law, we didnt care, cuz we played in it all day everyday :confused: the trampline and the clubhouse were the best we had, then we got a pool? It was On. Yes i do take her mental health into consideration. She hasnt had a real easy rd. No this isnt new though, she Lives for screens and has all the yrs ive been here. She threatens to move hundreds of miles away in college so its a cooler climate. I do take away the electronics, and she has to earn that privilege w one chore each day. I am strict, but up til 6 months ago she skipped every bath she could get away with. I still tell her about her teeth everyday.

That’s good at least then!! And yeah, I always did too haha but most don’t now :/ I think I’d probably force mine outside if/when I have any too haha although I don’t know that I’d force, I’d hopefully just get them interested and wanting to on their own haha might be impossible but idk. I wanna have tons of animals soo. :D plus I like camping and hiking and stuff ha and aw well that’s good then. I’m sure she’s probably okay but idk. But aw that stinks :(

and hmmm... yeah, it seems most kids do now. :/ actually, so do I.. :oops: but I see people buying babies and toddlers tablets and iPhones and stuff or at least letting them use theirs all the time or just sticking them in front of it to keep them occupied and it kinda makes me sad ha I know they can have their uses even for little kids but they shouldn’t be glued to it that young :/ and I personally wouldn’t do that. I mean, I never had that. We read real books and stuff ha but there a lot of cool, educational games and videos and other material online and in apps now that can be great but still.

And aww sorry. Although tbh I think I’d move somewhere cooler too haha I went to school far away too. Not that far away and my mom’s family lived out there so I guess technically not that far away but still. I live in eastern MA and it was in western PA. And I wanna move somewhere kinda far eventually. Not to purposely be far away but I wanna have a farm hahah my mom moved to FL when she was like 22 and my dad moved to FL at some point too (he’s from around here originally) and they both lived there for like 18 years, 20 years, something like that. Then eventually moved back up here so we could experience seasons and because my dad’s family is up here. Anyway, both of their families stayed around where they’re from and never left. My mom’s whole family is still in the same town in PA (though one of my aunts did move 2 hours away) and my dads family’s still around here too. So idk. I’m used to both, families staying where they’ve always lived/been from or moving on/trying something new and idk, I kinda think it’s good to try somewhere new and/or launch and do your own thing or at least travel even if you live the same spot. But idk, that could just be me haha

And that’s good! That doesn’t sound too bad actually haha

And oh wow! Glad she’s better about it at least ha although tbh I’ve done/still sometimes do those things myself when I’m in a depressive spell/that state or something too. Not saying that she has it or anything cause I also sometimes just do it/forget even when I’m doing fine because of the technology cause I lose track of time but still. Just a possibility ha but I’m sure it’s probably just losing track of time/getting too enthralled in the technology and just not wanting to get up to do it haha cause I’ve done that too. Though not lately. And of course some of it I’m sure is just kids being kids because when we were little my brother used to be a little creature too haha

Sounds like you’re doing great with her though and have helped a lot.

As promised here are some pics of some of my button quail I hatched out from shipped eggs.
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3 waterers, 1 plain water and 2 with Nutri-Drench. A bath towel on top of shavings, paper towels on top of bath towel. Feed pulverized and sprinkled over the paper towels.
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Hours old chicks and waterer.
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A hobo nickle, penny, dime for size comparison.
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Waterer is about 4" tall. Got them from an eBay seller. 6 waterers for $14 included shipping. They are absolutely 'drown proof'.

Awwww they are soooo cute!!! And TINY! :love

They have arrived!
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Now if hers arrives today, I can have a hatch off with Kiki ;)

I love the sticker!! Lol

Mine better arrive today or I'm going to have wasted money on eggs.

No notifications yet today from USPS.

Awww dang!!

Oh, man. Those things are tiny. :love


"Future baby quail No X-ray" cute sticker :D


Soooo cute! :love and those are really nice waterers!

You kno i have some 8 wk chickens chicks and i have a small bungie cord attaching their waterer to their cage cuz theyre wild things. But these guys will be in a tank thats why i just banked on using the ole quail waterers w pebbles like for normal quailies

I would think they would but idk.
I just received a notification that the eggs were delivered to my door!

I'm not home.:barnie

Home yet?! Workn?!

Be careful removing the chicks, they like to run out of your hands. I usually pick up only 1 at a time to make sure I don't drop them. Make sure their walking surface is even more grippy than for coturnix, they get splayed legs easily.

Good info thanks!

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