➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

I am such a wimp though! :hit
It'll get easier. :hugs I was absolutely terrified the first time I did the deed. I could barely pick up and hold objects, that's how keyed up I was. I think I dropped the pipe cutters twice. I was sure I'd screw up and the bird would suffer.
This is why I’m still unsure about quail and also decided against meat birds. I don’t think I could do it. Well, that and the fact my parents think it’s nasty and/or mean and don’t get how we could kill something/don’t want to do it soo... but maybe one day. I think eventually I will be able to do meat birds and quail but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do rabbits or anything. They are just WAY too freaking cute and I’d feel like a murderer. :hit :oops:
This is why I’m still unsure about quail and also decided against meat birds. I don’t think I could do it. Well, that and the fact my parents think it’s nasty and/or mean and don’t get how we could kill something/don’t want to do it soo... but maybe one day. I think eventually I will be able to do meat birds and quail but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do rabbits or anything. They are just WAY too freaking cute and I’d feel like a murderer. :hit :oops:
I used to struggle with these same issues as even though I grew up “on a farm” most of our meat came from the grocery store! when I first ate deer, my brother-in-law didn’t tell me what it was until afterwards and believe me I was “sick”! Years later I learned that even though he enjoys hunting and raises livestock including rabbits....my sister refuses to eat any meat that’s not traditional beef, pork, chicken that she is not involved in processing!! I on the other hand now prefer meats that I have raised and/or “harvested” myself because I know that they had a good life, their suffering was minimized, and the meat was processed properly minimizing waste! For us, it has also been a means of teaching and sharing traditional “skills” with our boys. They may not choose to hunt/raise livestock now, but should they ever need or want to, they will have basic knowledge and experience.
Get a picture please.
I need a cone or a fake one really bad.
Hands free is going to be the only way I will consider doing it. And since I'm out of room I'm going to have to start doing very soon.
I think an icing bag would work if it’s big enough for them, Kiki. Or one of those cone-shaped bags you see with candied nuts in, with a hole cut from the tip. I killed a meatie chick with leg issues using a ziplock, but it was really too spacious. I had to hold the wings still during the death throes... not fun. I kept speaking to it comfortingly like the silly goose I am...
I used to struggle with these same issues as even though I grew up “on a farm” most of our meat came from the grocery store! when I first ate deer, my brother-in-law didn’t tell me what it was until afterwards and believe me I was “sick”! Years later I learned that even though he enjoys hunting and raises livestock including rabbits....my sister refuses to eat any meat that’s not traditional beef, pork, chicken that she is not involved in processing!! I on the other hand now prefer meats that I have raised and/or “harvested” myself because I know that they had a good life, their suffering was minimized, and the meat was processed properly minimizing waste! For us, it has also been a means of teaching and sharing traditional “skills” with our boys. They may not choose to hunt/raise livestock now, but should they ever need or want to, they will have basic knowledge and experience.

Thanks! That makes a lot of sense! I’m not sure I’d be able to eat what I killed either, once I saw pictures of an adorable baby pig and then I couldn’t eat the ham made from said pig. But I do know they have a way better life and want to try it. Idk.
I think my daughter finally gets it. She no longer gets upset when it's time to butcher. She does still talk to them at the end, which I don't think is a bad thing. She wants them to be happy right to the end, but has no problem butchering anymore. She went right out and snatched up a little roo the other day for me. Told him "sorry squeeky, but you just won't shut up". Then hung out during and buried his entrails in the garden after. She's 13. You can do it.
I think an icing bag would work if it’s big enough for them, Kiki. Or one of those cone-shaped bags you see with candied nuts in, with a hole cut from the tip. I killed a meatie chick with leg issues using a ziplock, but it was really too spacious. I had to hold the wings still during the death throes... not fun. I kept speaking to it comfortingly like the silly goose I am...
That makes sense! Hubby has started culling quail chicks by cervical dislocation as well but I have to wrap them in a paper towel and use the hammer as it’s easier for me to not see but ensure zero suffering! I own an x-small cone but have never used it because of the experience with larger birds.....easier for me to let hubby do the dispatch (even though I know I need to learn just in case) and do my part in the processing/packaging. He and I “work” together 24/7 so I’m a bit “spoiled” in only doing the jobs I’m good at or “certified” to do and leaving the rest to him.
Hi quail peeps! I have been gone so long! I have badge-earners to belatedly congratulate, congratulations to belatedly thank, and a ton to catch up on.

I am just popping in real quick to say I'm mid-hatch with @el dorado quail 's babies and while this has been a PAINFUL hatch I do still have cute babies popping.


My eggs 17 put in, cracked two developing on each other badly and pulled them early, cracked two on each other AGAIN later (I'm glad it was my eggs! I always candled them last and apparently lack wrist stamina...),l left them in, 10 looked probably-good at lockdown, 6 have hatched so far, there's at least one more pipped, all fat problem-free babies. I think it's going to end up at 8 or 9/15 which is not amazing but my older trio has apparently started to dip in fertility.

Extra research eggs 7 out of 20 looked good at lockdown, I miscounted by one initially (meh, okay, can live with), 60/40 clears and early quitters, 4 have hatched but one has splayed leg I'm trying to correct.

Celadon eggs maybe 15 of 100 looked good at lockdown?! Maaaaaybe. I was generous out of desperation. 5 hatched so far, two more pipped, 1 splayed leg case and 1 with toes that don't want to uncurl. GAHHHHH.

Very small difference in hatch rate across incubator top and bottom so at least my jacket worked.

I HATE SHIPPED EGGS OMG. I don't think it was my fault considering the wildly varying hatch rates across egg types but I still feel bad and I am bummed because I wanted some. There are so few I am going to take an adult male instead of any chicks and breed him to my het celadon female from a different source. They breed so fast it won't be that long before I have some blue layers too.

Ok, on to baby pics!
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