➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Tempting, but even I shan't meddle with safety systems.
No, I don't watch horror movies, though I did see a scene in the X-Files once where someone got ground up by an escalator—0/10, the on/off system was ALL wrong.
Sorry, still hung up on this. Batty the tank driver. So, just for visual, do you wear a helmet? WW2 vintage steel pot with goggles attached, motorcycle helmet with sunglasses or something more feminine? Say, a bonnet? Something with a nice floral pattern to highlight your eyes?

I'm going with the bonnet, knowing your delicate nature. Wouldn't want to muss your hair. :hugs And it would go better with your mukluks.
Sorry, still hung up on this. Batty the tank driver. So, just for visual, do you wear a helmet? WW2 vintage steel pot with goggles attached, motorcycle helmet with sunglasses or something more feminine? Say, a bonnet? Something with a nice floral pattern to highlight your eyes?

I'm going with the bonnet, knowing your delicate nature. Wouldn't want to muss your hair. :hugs And it would go better with your mukluks.
WW2 vintage or bust, buddy.
A miniature horse is one of two approved types service animal. Perfectly legal to travel! I wouldn’t do it though. I wonder how long the flight was.
It was an hour and a half.
The fake horse was well behaved.
I think it's ridiculous but cute.
I haunted craigslist and drove 1.5 round trip with 40' of chain link dog kennel panels for the chicken yard for little less than half price of new. Then I found out how easy it was to run 5' wire fencing and T-posts. More bang for the buck but more time to erect.

Consider the 5' fencing. Not the welded wire. The horse fence I was told was better and doesn't fall apart. Lowe's has it. Found second hand T-posts for half the price and drove another 1.5 hour round trip. Look at all the money I'm saving by raising birds! :rolleyes:

Seriously considering a cattle panel aviary. Seriously. Raise it up 2 feet so I can stand up. Reinforce the edges. Greenhouse! Wrap in greenhouse plastic for winter. You know, both days it gets below 60°F. May need to wrap the bananas too.

Yeah I'm all mad cuz there were a bunch of good deals near me before I went on my trip and now there are none. I must be patient, they just come in waves.

Yay, my pearl-fee male has a nice home lined up. He was too nice to eat but now I will have room for his son to replace him. And time to get one last hatch from him before he goes.

I'm sorry, my favorites are super mean. Don't get charcoals if you want sweet birds. Or roux for that matter. The one combo I have is a veritable she-nightmare D: I still love them anyways. They don't drop dead for no reason.
I am a He

I have eggs that are suppose to arrive Wednesday and some more that i am not sure when they are going to arrive because the seller hasn't shipped them yet they are coming from Texas and i live in Oklahoma so if they ship at a decent time then i can set the eggs together that reminds me i need to get my incubator out and recleaned and fired up
welcome aboard @Matieus27!! I haven’t seen you since January HAL! How’s it hatchin?
:lau:lau:lau I saw that on the news. :rolleyes: I saw the lady walking through the airport with a full-grown peacock on her shoulder, too... (smh) My dad built a barn for some folks who raised miniature horses when I was a kid. They were SO cool! THAT is not what I’d call a miniature horse, but then the truly tiny ones were out of most people’s price range, or out of ours, at any rate. My dad, cruelly, declined to buy me one... sigh. :(

Seriously though, if it can’t snuggle up in your lap or lie at your feet, it shouldn’t be on the airplane (unless you’re blind or paralyzed or similar). It’s a weird and ridiculous new world. I can’t help thinking something’s just gone wrong. People often don’t seem as resilient as we ought to be—not sure why.
So violent! I never would have expected this from such a dear Batty.

A tank? Really? So traceable. Ugh. There are more elegant approaches. I'm more interested in who is complaining that has that much pull with city hall.
believe me I wish I knew.....well i’m kinda guessing its same idiot that’s been complaining on us for something at least twice a year for the past 12 years or so!! they don’t even live here anymore but still come by to find a complaint. basically when we moved here I got my boxer puppy and my boys were small. they let her out the door a couple times. I went to find her one day and she had run into their yard. The husband came out side and started cursing at me so i grabbed my puppy and told DH what had happened. DH happened to be working on my truck at the time and was not happy so he walked down (crowbar in hand) and confronted the guy about it. A few weeks later, boxer puppy escaped again and she was outside holding a little foofy dog and proceeded to call 911 claiming a pit bull was trying to eat her baby!!! and sooo it goes on and on and on!!!:smack:confused:

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