➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

i have 2 rocking eggs and some external pips!!
Someone turned my light off.

I guess now would be a good time to get up and go turn it back on.
the J12 can be a bit tricky......my initial hatches were by the instructions but lockdown humidities went way too high (i did chickens first so it was more forgiving). the lid is very clumsy so that’s why I went to adding water through the vent hole. i have also tried rotating my eggs to different positions every few days to avoid “cool spots” overall I’ve had relatively good hatch rates with j12 but I use it more now for overflow, staggered hatches, and ICU for problem chicks.
I plan on rotating the eggs in mine this time, hopefully it'll eliminate another 5 day long hatch out! I think it had to have had cool spots.

i have 2 rocking eggs and some external pips!!
I love it!!!:love
It's hard to keep up with this thread. I look away for a day and there's several new pages. I look away for a few days and forget about it. I just skipped to the last page.

Today my brother was over and helped me butcher 9 extra male quail. It too about an hour, in part because I had to halt the operation when DS came into the garage where we were working and again my my mother came over and entered through the garage. I feared DS would have been scared by the sight. He's only 3 (3 tomorrow actually). My mother would have been mortified and complained. She gave me a short "your killing them?!" when she realized what was going on, and that was without seeing the act take place. I was hoping to pluck these guys, but I didn't have the time to do that so they are all skinned.

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