➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

I hate trying to decide if & when i should help aHatcher. This last turkey that hatched was the first to pip (it pipped on the bottom of the egg) and the other 2 pipped & zipped all on their own and hatched out unassisted. So I felt justified in helping it. I know there has been a time or two that I was absolutely not helpful in "helping". My hatch rate increased when I changed to a dry hatch except or adding water at lockdown.

I don't trust digital thermometers at all, hate them actually. I prefer the glass/mercury type and the humidor hygrometers.
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I just candled tonight, looks like almost all of the quail eggs were fertile, already showing some veining. Unfortunately looks like only about 1/2 of the guinea eggs are, they are very young pullets though that have only been laying a few weeks. It's still early though, wasn't due to candle until Friday.

Yeah, I was trying to wait for it to pip on it’s own and it just never did. :( but I think it was malpositioned. I couldn’t find the head when I opened the egg ha but I didn’t unfold the chick but still. It was positioned weird/all tucked up so I think the head was probably under a wing or something.

The first chick that hatched (a day early btw) pipped externally and started zipping but didn’t make any progress for a while and I freaked and posted here and even some here said I should help it cause the hole it made was too big/didn’t look normal and it could be stuck. It hatched as soon as I stopped watching it and took a shower. :lau

But I was so ready to help it lol

It was just resting.

Honestly I think sometimes the ones that can’t make it out on their own are weaker chicks anyway.

But man the ones that hatched late had me so worried lol I had one hatch Saturday morning and another had hatched late Friday night and I was so worried for both of them because they had pipped but made no progress. It was hard pulling myself away from the incubator and giving them time. :lau :oops:

But yes I used dry too. They all ended up perfect.

Did have to add some water at lockdown and during the hatch (I know :oops: ) cause it got pretty dry and I didn’t want any getting stuck but other than that, dry.

Yeah, they can definitely be very inaccurate and very widely!! Looks like you have all accurate/calibratable/super trustworthy ones. :D

And awww sorry about the guineas!! I hope more are fertile for you!!
They were dated to hatch tomorrow, but ALL of my batches start hatching a day early. Wonder why that is?
My turkeys normally hatch on day 27. If everything is hatching early for you, your incubator temperature is likely a little bit high. Don't get concerned unless it becomes days early. Early hatchers are normally healthier than late hatchers.
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