āž” Quail Hatch AlongšŸ„š

The white one has a reddening comb. They look like little midgets compared to everyone else because of their age. They snuck out the chain link fence the other day and they waited by the door for us to put them back in

:lau OMG

See, you're lucky to have someone to help you. If I try to build something, I have to figure it out and do it all myself. I had a friend build the coop for me, but I can't ask more out of him. I may ask a neighbour how much he wants to help me finish one more piece. Then I'll have lots of room for grow outs and still have three breeding/egg pens.

Definitely lucky!!! :love I hope you can find someone to help!!!

Have you posted an ad yet to see if anyone is even interested in buying?
I think you might be in trouble when you realize it isn't easy selling.

No not yet. But I know it wonā€™t be easy. Not expecting it to be haha nobody wants roosters, which I realize, but once the coop is finished, I donā€™t mind hanging onto them for a while haha

But I checked earlier and thereā€™s sooo many free ones even just on here. :th

Maybe it will be easier in spring though. :fl
No she isn't.

:lau not yet anyway! I am eventually.

Oh no you don't...you are not going to convince me to help.
They are on their own.
I'm just šŸ§


What I'm trying to say is I am a mean tough ugly person and I can't kill a dummy.
There is not way in the world sweet you will be able to off one.


You are none of those things!!! :smack :hugs :love

Oh, dear. What does that say about me? I killed eight on Friday! :oops:


You are special.
I am going to be special one day....way before Kdog will be.

:lau I will one day!!

But I might cry. :lau

@KDOGG331 will become a poultry & game bird hoarder!!!

Means you are proficient in bird math (addition, subtraction & multiplication)!!!

:lau nah, I donā€™t mind selling. Just not offing. :lau

But so far Iā€™ve only done addition. :oops:

It's okay. You can join the meanie club. We meet every Tuesday over coffee and quail sandwiches.

:lau do you guys serve tea too or only coffee? :pop

you are welcome to borrow my method......ā€if it crows, it goes!ā€ šŸ¤£


All lies!!!


Soooo cute!!! :love

#2 is out.

Edit: Why is the first one always the loudest?
View attachment 2007427


No more zips right now. Just these two alternating between zoom and zonk.
View attachment 2007491

Zoom and Zonk. :lau those should be their name

That is very cool.

:sick is more like it. :lau :oops:

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