➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

That’s awesome!!! I am so awful at geography. :lau :oops:

I used to be pretty good but don’t even know where some states are now or what most capitals are. :lau :oops:

I do sometimes like looking at the giant road atlases though just for fun haha
a road atlas is almost as rare today as an encyclopedia :gig i haven’t actually seen a printed one in over 10 years!!
Hol' up, KDOG, your ears aren't pierced? Really?
Oh, yes, I have found another! Come give me a hug, sister! :hugs
(Seems like everybody's got one thing or another pierced... it's a bit ridiculous, in my mind...).
i won’t even go there!! 🤣 wouldn’t want to be the cause of a fainting spell!
It really depends on where you are. Here in superexpensiveland I charge $7/dozen.
"All you can eat" for $20....that's 1 egg for most of my pheasant eggs! :lau
All kidding aside, ask $6 to $7/doz.
Houston has a saturated market. $4 a dozen. Same as chicken eggs for delectable, home raised. Seriously, check Houston craigslist and you will see several listings.

And here I was thinking I should go less than my chicken eggs, lol. Those are $3.50 a dozen for eating. Sounds like downwards in price from there is the wrong direction.
And here I was thinking I should go less than my chicken eggs, lol. Those are $3.50 a dozen for eating. Sounds like downwards in price from there is the wrong direction.
how are you packaging them? per doz or 2 doz?? i pkg in 2 doz cartons.....If i were to sell mine, I would probably charge $7 per carton....commensurate with your chicken egg price.....could possibly get $10+/carton depending on your location and demand
hard to see on camera but
we got our fist pip!!! :celebrate

(ignore the really squiggly line that I marked of the aircell this egg just didn’t want to get drawn on):lau

I don’t know if this is the only pip so far because of how hard it is to see on the Coturnix because of how dark they are but we will see tomorrow or if things change soon and I won’t be able to sleep tonight 😂
how are you packaging them? per doz or 2 doz?? i pkg in 2 doz cartons.....If i were to sell mine, I would probably charge $7 per carton....commensurate with your chicken egg price.....could possibly get $10+/carton depending on your location and demand

I haven't sold any yet and still need to buy cartons, actually. I'm wondering if people prefer to buy more at once or like a dozen at a time better.
And here I was thinking I should go less than my chicken eggs, lol. Those are $3.50 a dozen for eating. Sounds like downwards in price from there is the wrong direction.
Definitely wrong direction lol I’ve always thought I would sell chicken eggs for $4 a dozen and quail if I ever got them for $5 but could probably go more.
I haven't sold any yet and still need to buy cartons, actually. I'm wondering if people prefer to buy more at once or like a dozen at a time better.
i like the 2doz cartons.....(of course with my family, we can go through a full carton+ in a single breakfast if scrambled) i got mine from myshire vs ordering on amazon or somewhere else

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