➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

And I’ve always thought turkeys were super neat!!! I befriended some wild ones a few years ago. :lau and we’ve been getting some goofy ones hanging around off and on lately that like to dust bathe and sun bathe in our yard LOL pair of females. Though only seen one lately. :( but between those hams and hearing all the puppy like turkey stories, I really want some but probably won’t get any anytime soon.
I got cream legbars this year an de they are the funniest lookin get chickens I have ever seen.
I got Brabanters and they’re hilarious looking. :lau the little mohawks make me laugh lol

And the feathered feet on the Cochin bantams. :lau

I forgot for a second whether I had Cochins or Brahmas :lau :oops:
I have had those before. So goofy looking and very inquisitive. I loved them. The CL rooster I had was a great flock leader too.
Yeah their little half crest is adorable. I have four hens that I got in olympia Washington then had to survive a 5 our car ride back to Easter night Washington.
And I’ve always thought turkeys were super neat!!! I befriended some wild ones a few years ago. :lau and we’ve been getting some goofy ones hanging around off and on lately that like to dust bathe and sun bathe in our yard LOL pair of females. Though only seen one lately. :( but between those hams and hearing all the puppy like turkey stories, I really want some but probably won’t get any anytime soon.
since they are wild it’s likely they are sitting on a nest
That’s funny! I always thought Toulouse were flight impaired but yours have proved that wrong!
Mine were not exhibition Toulouse they we’re production Toulouse
Yes, definitely stressful times!!! I’m lucky that I have all the animals and also that I’ve been able to see my brother’s dogs some.

Glad you were at least able to finish the semester even if it was online! I imagine that messed with some stuff though? Don’t you have labs?

Aww yeah, bird dogs are hard!! Glad he’s learning though!!! And oh wow!! How big is he now!? Sounds like he’s going to be a very big boy!!! And :hugs I know how much you loved him and must miss him. :( :hugs

And thank you!! I’m glad too!! I’m glad I didn’t cancel this order because they really have brought happiness. They’re hilarious looking. :lau my cockerel and his girlfriend have brought a lot of happiness too haha I love them and love having a rooster. :love

The budgies especially though really truly bring so much happiness and joy. :love I love the chickens and cat too of course and even my fish but the budgies are just.... different. Special. The male especially is constantly playing and singing/chattering away to himself. Happiest bird ever. :lau Their personalities have really started to bloom the last few weeks or so especially. The male is such a ham. :lauThey make me laugh every day!! And of course I love singing to them or just playing music and watching them go crazy. :lau :love

Sorry for the novel. :oops:
Don’t apologize for updating me. :plbb

We did have labs, O-chem stopped those and Physics moved it onto an online program through PhET.

He’s 21 1/2 inches at the shoulder already and he’s 18 weeks old. Breed standard is 23-25 inches.:th

I’m glad your rooster brings you happiness! Negan still drives me up the wall and the Lavender Cochin looks like he’s going to be a handful. :gig I can never win.

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