➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Many recommend not putting eggs near the turner motor. It generates more heat. I've never figured if this was for still air incubation or force air or both.
I’d heard the same thing. I always try to avoid that area because I’m afraid a big egg will lean too far and get to close to the heat source when turning.

Not a problem with forced air cabinet incubators. You cannot put eggs near the turner motor in one of them.

It does apply to all small incubators.
Good to know!


Dana... Was the box jacked up?
Yup, big dent in the side. Give me one minute, I’ll send the pic of the spots where the eggs were smashed. They’re all on the side that’s beat up.
Do you want to do a staggered hatch?

I only have two of those shitty white foamies left... I'll fill one up only halfway and send it to you if you want to do a staggered hatch.

These ones should be good! As long as I get one good breeder set out of the 2 dozen that survived, I’ll be happy :fl I definitely appreciate the offer, though!! :love
Dominoes :(
i just had to pay $75 for 200 vacuum seal bags at RK.....i ran out of my rolls and we are seriously behind in processing!! all my meat gets fancy pantsy packaging (minus the printed boxes) as it stores much better for longer period of time. we got 2 rabbits and 10 quail resting in the cooler tonight! 5 more rabbits and at least 10 more quail to go by the weekend.
You raise the rabbits? Or hunt them?
The extra cocks got kicked out to live in with the chickens today. So I guess now we find out if they're smart enough to stay within the fence. If they don't, oh well, a hawk will probably get a nice dinner.

I also moved another hen in with my lavender cock and his hen, so finally his original girl won't be bearing the brunt of all of his attentions. Their oldest chicks are two females and a male, so he'll have even more girls soon.
Do some turner motors run all the time? Mine only runs for a few moments, 8X a day (or whatever you set it for). It's an Incuvue. Hard to imagine it could make much difference. 🤷‍♀️ (I rotate the eggs once a day anyhow.) I'll have to feel of it next time I go down there and see if it's warm.
Mine runs all the time.
I've figured out why those white foamies don't work very well. The holes are too close together. When you put eggs in them, especially large ones, they actually touch each other, even through the foam. That's why the eggs get broken.
Yeah...I agree.
I have two left and I will only fill each one halfway and then I will never buy that crap again.
button quail are actually vicious little creatures!!! i moved my lone male from the easter hatch to the aviary last night hoping that they would accept him quickly as they did the others but poor little guy has been chased, pecked, etc......I found him and placed him in the feeder this afternoon and stayed with him for several minutes so he could eat and as soon as i walked out, they had chased him away to hide again :hit i’m trying to give it a couple days but i may have to scoop him up and bring him back inside if they don’t straighten up!!

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