➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

You don't keep multiple calibrated thermometers in your incubators?

No I use Rcom incubators and have never had an issue, they always read true from their own thermometers, plus the ones I have there is no space in them for me to add multiple thermometers.

It’s just this incubator was sold second hand but it obviously needs recalibrated itself to match the temperature it’s reading. I’m just not doing it whilst there is still eggs in the incubator so I’ve just lowered the temp. I’ll recalibrate the incubator once the chick has hatched 🙂
I’m back! Going to add eggs in a few hours once the incubator is up to temp. Question, can I add another 3 eggs tomorrow around 4 if I put them in today around 12? Will it make much of a difference if they go into lock down a day earlier with the rest? I know some do staggered hatching but I don’t know what the safe window is for that.
Like I'm not being rude, I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything that will hurt my chicks
It's easier to tell if they are pooping on paper towels for the first few days and it's easier for the dummies to find the food.
It's easier to tell if they are pooping on paper towels for the first few days and it's easier for the dummies to find the food.
Mine love the trough they eat out of. They’re ridiculous though.

So the person who wanted them said they’ll get them this weekend, I’m not holding my breath. It’s been 3 weeks. They keep offering to buy food and stuff, I tell them to just come get the quail I don’t care about extra feed and junk!
Yesterday and this morning's eggs.
The group on the right are going bye bye.
Left side...in the bator, I think.
I could have uploaded the picture. :th

Top is left.
Bottom is right.

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