➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

So unfortunately humidity crashed again last night to 40% and one of the ones who started zipping dried out before I was aware of it. Everyone else seems okay, but I'm fairly confidant I did lose one. The membrane was incredibly hard and I was finally able to uncover the beak and I haven't heard or seen any movement from that one 😔
So sorry to hear of your bad luck with humidity. 😢 You might try putting damp sponge pieces in your incubator if this keeps happening to you. Put them in ramekins or similar and cover them with a poufed-up bit of metal screen tucked in around the edges to keep hatchlings out of harm's way. If you're afraid to open the bator lid, you can add water as needed with a syringe w/tubing or a straw attached.

Sponges work because they have a large surface area for the water to evaporate from. It is water surface area that elevates the humidity. Water depth makes humidity last longer (ie: over night.)
Mine love the trough they eat out of. They’re ridiculous though.

So the person who wanted them said they’ll get them this weekend, I’m not holding my breath. It’s been 3 weeks. They keep offering to buy food and stuff, I tell them to just come get the quail I don’t care about extra feed and junk!
I'd tell them to find another dealer.
The pricks
I always use puppy pads for the first 3-4 days then after that I switch them to big flake shavings 😊
The puppy pads are likely fine for quail or chicken chicks. I've lately been using the rubbery shelf paper for goslings, though. I first had trouble with splay-leg from leaving them in the incubator to dry. (They're too tall to stand up in mine.) Then, they continued to have splay leg in the brooder on puppy pads (too smooth for them, I think.) The shavings stick to damp birds like crazy, though. Shelf paper until everyone's dry seems the best bet for this situation. I was gonna wash it, but I ended up pitching it. 🤢 It could be washed, though.

I know this is the quail thread, but since many of us keep multiple species, I'm hoping this will save others from this inconvenience. (All goslings are now recovered.) I suspect ducklings will be subject to the same risk.
The puppy pads are likely fine for quail or chicken chicks. I've lately been using the rubbery shelf paper for goslings, though. I first had trouble with splay-leg from leaving them in the incubator to dry. (They're too tall to stand up in mine.) Then, they continued to have splay leg in the brooder on puppy pads (too smooth for them, I think.) The shavings stick to damp birds like crazy, though. Shelf paper until everyone's dry seems the best bet for this situation. I was gonna wash it, but I ended up pitching it. 🤢 It could be washed, though.

I know this is the quail thread, but since many of us keep multiple species, I'm hoping this will save others from this inconvenience. (All goslings are now recovered.) I suspect ducklings will be subject to the same risk.

I agree with you! I use the puppy pads for my quails and chickens (the dry birds as I call them 😂) as the puppy pads always stay dry for them the first few days. The ones I use have little ridges in them with helps their grip. I then switch to the big flake shavings after a few days because their little nails start scratching the pads to pieces.

However, when I’ve hatched waterfowl (the wet birds 😆) they always make an absolute mess and their poops are nothing like quails/chickens. On puppy pads it doesn’t work (or didn’t for me). I rarely hatched watefowl but when I did, I used old soft towels/blankets that I could either wash or throw away. Then eventually they’d get switched onto bedding.

So yes, puppy pads for quails/chickens etc 👍🏻 but for waterfowl 👎🏻

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