➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

I've had my first chicks from my Celadon project hatch!

They're cute little things. One's a Tibetan or Rosetta tux, and the other is plain Rosetta/Tibetan.

Hopefully more to come soon, since I have another batch of eggs due on the 15th.

In weirder news, one of my Pearl hens is straight up gone. It's bizarre. No way could she have gotten out on her own, but she's not in the pen. And they're in my garage, so it's not like she got out outside and took off or something. The whole thing is very strange. I'm hoping she'll turn up, but how did she get out in the first place?
I have heard you and Kiki talk about them. I have put several things in my cart on their site on multiple occasions, but chickened (quailed?) out. I cant make up my mind what color I want :lol: Maybe I’ll call them and ask if I can choose the colors for the variety pack.
I didn't see buttons though. Who has a good source for those?
Zack will absolutely work with you if you have certain ones that you want.

I didn’t realize there was a monthly hatch along for quail... I have some hatching around the 10th and a second group about a week later. Can I join in?
Of course you can join in!
I've had my first chicks from my Celadon project hatch!

They're cute little things. One's a Tibetan or Rosetta tux, and the other is plain Rosetta/Tibetan.

Hopefully more to come soon, since I have another batch of eggs due on the 15th.

In weirder news, one of my Pearl hens is straight up gone. It's bizarre. No way could she have gotten out on her own, but she's not in the pen. And they're in my garage, so it's not like she got out outside and took off or something. The whole thing is very strange. I'm hoping she'll turn up, but how did she get out in the first place?
That is very strange. I guess you’re running a mini escape room, and she’s the smartest lol. Hopefully she’s in the garage somewhere, you can try putting a humane trap near the pen, she will probably return to the area of her flock.
I don't/wont do supplement heat for adults either. I was just curious if I should maybe add more boxes of dirt because they seem to be drafty. Also, I thought egg production would slow, not come to a complete stop. Quail are SO different from chickens in the strangest ways. I think :lol:
I wouldn't mind ordering some eggs, but have trust issues with unknown sellers :gig
Anyone here selling fertile eggs? Coturnix or button.
How much light are they getting? Drafty is bad, but if they aren't getting enough light they will stop laying. I think they need 12+ hours per day to stay laying. If they aren't getting that now, can you add lights?
Zack will absolutely work with you if you have certain ones that you want.

Of course you can join in!
Awesome 😻
How much light are they getting? Drafty is bad, but if they aren't getting enough light they will stop laying. I think they need 12+ hours per day to stay laying. If they aren't getting that now, can you add lights?
They're outside, but underneath the deck. So they are shaded, but should still sense/see the light. Its not dark under there as it isn't enclosed, just shaded.
I grabbed a bunch of boxes at my last store run so I’ll just get them another one.
Awesome 😻

They're outside, but underneath the deck. So they are shaded, but should still sense/see the light. Its not dark under there as it isn't enclosed, just shaded.
I grabbed a bunch of boxes at my last store run so I’ll just get them another one.
They need about 14-16 hours of light per day to keep laying. Many climates need to extend natural winter light with artificial sources.
They're outside, but underneath the deck. So they are shaded, but should still sense/see the light. Its not dark under there as it isn't enclosed, just shaded.
I grabbed a bunch of boxes at my last store run so I’ll just get them another one.
Yep. Add light for 14-16 hours. Don't want it on 24 hours as that causes other issues. I have 2 solar lights attached to my coop and I'll get 7 eggs from 8 hens. The other coop (lightless) stopped laying in October. They are under the tree and the coop is just darker all around. They get the winter off.
I candled about half of the eggs I set last week, I had 3 duds, most are progressing, and a few were too dark to tell. So my hatch is going better than I expected with the cold, wet weather. I plan to candle the rest tomorrow.
too dark to tell. How many lumens is your light? We recommend 1000 lumens to see into the dark corners. Does surprisingly well. :D

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