➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Silvers can often have blue eyes, and light colored eyes can show pink when you shine a light in them because the blue tint is too light. So they might look purply pink especially as chicks, but once they’re bigger you may notice they aren’t. My double silvers have purply eyes which looked more red if I held them near a light when they were chicks. One has always been blind, one went blind over the first few weeks. But a double silver or an albino will be pure white with no hint of color at all. I had an odd one once, not long ago, with pinkish eyes, born totally yellow. As it’s pins grew in, they looked dark and I couldn’t tell if it was from the blood in the pins or hints of color, and then at like 9 days old it died suddenly with no obvious signs of a cause so I think it was messed up internally. It had been growing fine, but these things happen, and more more often with SSC from what Ive seen.
That’s sad :-( I know it’s nature’s way, but it’s still hard to see. Maybe his eyes seem red due to the way the red lamp is reflecting—that makes sense. Hope he survives! He has held his own though!
That’s sad :-( I know it’s nature’s way, but it’s still hard to see. Maybe his eyes seem red due to the way the red lamp is reflecting—that makes sense. Hope he survives! He has held his own though!
He looks like he’s fine so far, I wouldn’t worry. The highest risk is like day 2-3 because they’ve run out of yolk. Before that they might all seem healthy, but some of their digestive systems just don’t start up properly. I find if they’re fit and healthy by day 4, they’ll probably grow up fine.
He looks like he’s fine so far, I wouldn’t worry. The highest risk is like day 2-3 because they’ve run out of yolk. Before that they might all seem healthy, but some of their digestive systems just don’t start up properly. I find if they’re fit and healthy by day 4, they’ll probably grow up fine.
That’s good to know! I will keep my fingers crossed then! He’s already my soft hearted daughters favorite, of course so I’m really pulling for him! Thanks for all the info, it’s really helpful. 😁
Boy? Falb fee
If so only 11 of 30 from this hatch were female :hmm
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Ugh. I have one pointy egg that keeps getting jammed in the egg turner. I marked where it was just now and am going to check to make sure it’s moving in the AM, if it doesn’t I’m going to have to figure out an adjustment; it’s candling right how it’s supposed to be with a heartbeat and everything so I wanna make sure it has a shot.
IME “A watched egg, never hatches” 😂
Yupppp! Once I was watching an egg for forever and the second I left to go get something, it hatches 😭😂 I was so mad I JUST missed it lol it was my first ever chick from my first ever hatch. Chicken eggs but still. The quail hatch like crazy too lol

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