➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Total noob question: other than the feather patterns and coloring, what (if any) differences should I expect from the different coturnix breeds in the "hatchery choice" assortment I have currently incubating? I'm mentally comparing them with chickens, which I know is dumb, but chicken breeds are very different in laying, growth, and temperament etc, and I haven't read much about this in quail. Thanks!
They are all the same breed, other than size difference between jumbos and standard, they will be the same.
Ended up with 7 little king quail mostly tuxedo/pied but a few different colours, one white and one wild type? Also 10 coturnix which I believe are all Pharaoh? One coturnix was a straggler and ended up going in with the kings with the intention of moving it once strong but its getting on well with the kings.
The 4 dozen Coturnix eggs I ordered were shipped yesterday and will be delivered today, nice and fast. There will be more colours in that lot.
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Had to separate the smaller 3 from the bigger group this week because one wasn’t thriving and I figured he’d want company in the mini brooder.

Well, I just had to add one of the pretty silvers to the group. It’s one of the ones the kids named (either Sunshine or Flower, I can’t tell the difference and frankly I doubt they can either) so I feel pretty bad. Something happened to his ear- it’s bleeding, and there was dried blood on side the feeder. I think he or she got pecked; when I cleaned it with a poultry antiseptic I disturbed a scab and got a little fresh bleed. Hoping they heal up ok now that they’re will the smaller, less fiesty ones.

It will be sunny and in the 70s-80s this weekend finally! They clearly need to go outside where they will have more room.

Edit: on second thought, I gave him his own pen, I’m too worried the little guys are gonna just keep pecking at the bloody spot (they were all eyeing it). I hope he’s not too lonely; I set him up so he’s right next to them. He can’t see them unfortunately because the sides of their pen is frosted but he can hear all of the others. I threw a little hand towel for him to snuggle with because I wasn’t sure what else to do.
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Well I’ve had more than enough excitement for one day!!! Went out to check on the shed babies and was greeted by a 4 foot king snake tangled in the netting!!!! First time for me!!! Unfortunately he was able to get through the top bars to kill seven before mr muddy and I cut him out of the netting :hit Time to build a stronger fortress!!!!!
Set1 has offered 6 eggs in 9 days from 3 hens. This is gonna be a small hatch. Guessing the torrential downpours were upsetting them?

Sorry to hear about the babies. Does this mean you are setting more eggs? :D
I still have 19 left and my button.......we are planning to downsize again this weekend (dispatch 6 bunnies and a dozen more quail). Cornish X due to arrive Friday and with us being out of town next week and our birthday week, I will probably wait to set more eggs until later in July.
Tomorrow is candling day for my first batch in the incubator. 119 eggs, so it will take some time as a quail noob working around the dark spots.

Everything I've read elsewhere says to candle quickly, but I'm thinking, if I can get the room humidity and temperature to about the same as the incubator, does it matter?

I have the incubator on a bathroom shelf next to the sink, and can easily run a space heater and hot shower. It will be quite the sauna experience for me, but I like not feeling rushed.

Thoughts and experiences, please?
Tomorrow is candling day for my first batch in the incubator. 119 eggs, so it will take some time as a quail noob working around the dark spots.

Everything I've read elsewhere says to candle quickly, but I'm thinking, if I can get the room humidity and temperature to about the same as the incubator, does it matter?

I have the incubator on a bathroom shelf next to the sink, and can easily run a space heater and hot shower. It will be quite the sauna experience for me, but I like not feeling rushed.

Thoughts and experiences, please?
Are the eggs loose or in trays? My recommendation: If in trays, just pull out the trays and candle, and put them back when you are done. If the eggs are loose, open the incubator and pull out a bunch of eggs, close incubator, candle, open incubator, swap eggs for next set to candle, repeat until done. The problem I've had with keeping the incubator open, is that the sensor usually freaks out and puts the incubator heater on for longer than needed, usually resulting in a heat spike. I've never tried to get the room same temp as the incubator though.

Having the eggs cool down a bit while you candle is not a big deal. In the wild/more natural setting a broody hen will get off the nest for meal/drink/potty breaks.

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