➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

They're in trays, I think 5 trays, 22 eggs per tray plus 9 on the floor. I see your point on the incubator freaking out with the lid off for an extended period.

It's hot and dry here. Now I'm thinking: Do one tray at a time, don't worry about room humidity or the space heater, and just work at normal non-air-conditioned room temps, which is in the low 90s here now.

They're in trays, I think 5 trays, 22 eggs per tray plus 9 on the floor. I see your point on the incubator freaking out with the lid off for an extended period.

It's hot and dry here. Now I'm thinking: Do one tray at a time, don't worry about room humidity or the space heater, and just work at normal non-air-conditioned room temps, which is in the low 90s here now.

Don’t worry, just do it one tray at a time, that’s how I do it. You can have the air conditioner on, it’s not a big deal. I just do mine in room temp (~72).
My K Dale eggs have a runt. He was last hatched, and was incredibly small to begin with. It seems like one leg is shorter than the other and after a day he started to splay a bit because he was pushing the longer leg out to the side. Since he is otherwise healthy and spry, eating, drinking, pooping, I gave him a leg band chain corrective device, and his splay is gone.

However, today his eye was stuck shut, I just thought he stuck a wet face into the feed, which is blended to powder. I cleaned him off and put him back in the brooder. A couple hours later I checked and it was gunked up again. I took him out and I think there might be/have been a piece of food or bedding, very tiny like a piece of powder, in there. I cleaned it out as best as I could, he’s insanely small. I applied some erythromycin eye ointment that the dr gave my son when he had a stye that got all angry looking. I put him in solitary in case eating the ointment is toxic for the others. Does anyone have suggestions on flushing out the eye of a tiny chick?

Anyway here’s a pic of him before I noticed the eye he’s super tiny compared to the rest:

Other than that runty one, the rest are so big and healthy.
Thank you! I wanted confirmation before I culled it! So far I have 24 of my 28 eggs developing as of Day 3 @Nabiki That’s a pretty good rate, there are several that may still be infertile or not developing but I don’t have the best candler and some are hard to tell! I’m excited for new babies!
Thank you! I had noticed the in between ones and I was wondering how they would turn out, I was hoping calico.

Do you know what type of gray the light gray ones are, such as SSC, lavender, etc? I’m hoping for a non SSC gray to cross into my snowies so I can have all grays without producing double silvers.

Last questions, unless something crazy pops out, I promise, after this I’ll be surprised

They are all so big compared to my standards, no birth defects or assists, good and healthy, thank you so much.
My apologies, just seeing this. May be a oz ressecive or oz sandy( silver Pharoah looking as a chick). Blau(blue) dark feet and or toes
Thank you! I had noticed the in between ones and I was wondering how they would turn out, I was hoping calico.

Do you know what type of gray the light gray ones are, such as SSC, lavender, etc? I’m hoping for a non SSC gray to cross into my snowies so I can have all grays without producing double silvers.

Last questions, unless something crazy pops out, I promise, after this I’ll be surprised

They are all so big compared to my standards, no birth defects or assists, good and healthy, thank you so much.
Likely be blau(blue). But not 100% certain but is guess you'll get a "grey/silver" that's not silver from ssc

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