➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Hmm, ok. I’ve tried putting them with the larger birds in the pen outside, but they seem stressed and either hide or race around (which inspires the other birds to chase them). Do I just stick them in the big kid pen and let them sort it out? I’m tired of them being in my office, and I’m going to have to buy more of the crappy bedding I’ve been using for their indoor pen if I don’t kick them out today. :barnie
How old are they and what is the size difference currently?
How old are they and what is the size difference currently?
I think they’ll all be 4 weeks tomorrow! The smallest one is probably about half the size, the other one is probably 3/4 the size? They’ve gotten a bit bigger but not at the rate of their siblings.

I seriously keep looking at indoor rabbit pens but I don’t want more inside birds; my office already has parrots. :tongue

Another weird thing I noticed is that the other quail, even when on the paper bedding I used indoors (the aspen & pine shavings irritate my allergies), always had clean feet. These two however get poop caked on their feet. I’ve taken to just cleaning their feet when I change out the bedding, otherwise it builds up. So weird that it happens to them but not the other guys.
Doing an experiment. found some quail eggs at my local fruit and veg shop from the same local seller as the fertilized eggs I saw for sale on Ebay. I'm not sure if they separate their breeders and layers or not but I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Keep us posted:pop
Will do. I got 6 dozen to up my chances, but if nothing develops/hatches it's not a big loss. I have paid way more for hatching eggs that resulted in nothing, this time I at least got myself some egg cartons
I'm betting they'll hatch. The ones I got at a local supermarket hatched and they were shipped from California to Hawaii. I'm wondering what you will do with 72 birds though. . .
I’m not sure how it happened, I have an idea of how, I guess, but I have an albino. This small hatch was from snowie celadon carrier males to my celadon hens. I got one previously from crossing the Original Myshire snowie collection hens to Tiger Millionaire. Tiger never threw albinos before, so I had chalked it up to maybe I had a silver rooster in the Hen house because it was from the myshires first hatch, and I thought maybe I missed a boy. This time, it’s from 2 generations later, my celadon hens, with no male imposters and the 2 snowie boys. I guess the one pearl celadon hen must carry albino and so does a boy.

Here it is, big and healthy so far, but the last one was too, and just didn’t thrive. Maybe 2 generations of new blood mixed in will help it be stronger, idk.


Here’s a close up of Salt, the double silver’s eyes for comparison:

I’m super bummed that my only full celadon from the project so far, carries albino. I’m going to have to sell her with a group that doesn’t have any related birds so she won’t be making a ton of doomed chicks. I’ll move her to the grow out and I’ll see how the health of the chick is, if it thrives maybe she can stay.

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