➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Obviously, he thought 🐝 🗝️ was....or he wouldn't have asked to try some!!!!!:eek: :oops: :duc ....sorry, couldn't resist the open ended sentence....note to self for later referral: try not to "open mouth, insert foot"!!!! :lau 😂 🤣 :gig
yes, her sentence can be construed several different ways.

Read it. Understand it. Then figure out if it fits the context. I'm not slow, I'm trying to figure out which response is the more appropriate one.

I'm sure she has no objection to becoming a cougar.
I'd need to lose a lot of weight to have any confidence in being a cougar. As it is, I'd feel sorry for any poor guy getting chased by me. Give me a year at the rare I'm going, and I'll be down to my ideal weight.

I have been a lot more active and been eating a lot less here. I've never had a box of Cheez Its last me this long.
I'd need to lose a lot of weight to have any confidence in being a cougar. As it is, I'd feel sorry for any poor guy getting chased by me. Give me a year at the rare I'm going, and I'll be down to my ideal weight.

I have been a lot more active and been eating a lot less here. I've never had a box of Cheez Its last me this long.
Good luck in getting into the shape you desire. Change can make it easier to break old comfortable habits.

Previously I would take short cuts to cut down steps and be more efficient in getting things done. Now I will intentionally avoid the short cuts to create additional steps. Efficiency is lower but activity is increased.
I always wonder why I can't lose weight with all the effort raising birds and gardening takes. My doctor says I should exercise more -- running, etc. If I did that, who would take care of the birds and water the plants?
Exercise only goes so far. To lose weight effectively, you have to watch what you eat.

I use dieting to teach the difference between simple and easy. Losing weight is simple. It's not easy.

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