➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

I had a predator problem too, and as a result I lost all my quail…..I just have 6 pheasants and 6 dux left :hugs
We didn’t have issues until the flood gate couldn’t close because a train was stuck on tracks right where the gate needed to close, the river rose like 40 feet and most of my town was under water, I thought I was lucky because we are at the highest point, I literally had water like 20 feet from the house, but big predators followed the water and normal predators got killed or chased away by the flood and things were very stressful for a few weeks. Then just recently some Maine coon looking cat was pulling my birds out right in front of me, my dogs were barking and I went out and there it was with Apollo halfway thru the giant hole it made in the cheap prefab hardware cloth. Stinks, but i get to start over and hubby let me build an aviary. I’m so sorry you got hit with predators too! The good thing about the turkeys, they’re tough mofos and I haven’t seen that cat, I suspect he grabbed the pen and they picked him hard, the dogs have learned to stay away, mostly.
We didn’t have issues until the flood gate couldn’t close because a train was stuck on tracks right where the gate needed to close, the river rose like 40 feet and most of my town was under water, I thought I was lucky because we are at the highest point, I literally had water like 20 feet from the house, but big predators followed the water and normal predators got killed or chased away by the flood and things were very stressful for a few weeks. Then just recently some Maine coon looking cat was pulling my birds out right in front of me, my dogs were barking and I went out and there it was with Apollo halfway thru the giant hole it made in the cheap prefab hardware cloth. Stinks, but i get to start over and hubby let me build an aviary. I’m so sorry you got hit with predators too! The good thing about the turkeys, they’re tough mofos and I haven’t seen that cat, I suspect he grabbed the pen and they picked him hard, the dogs have learned to stay away, mostly.
So sorry you had to deal with all this! :hugsThat’s exciting you get to build an aviary now though! I’m jealous lol 🙂Turkeys are mean little buggers, I had to rehome mine because she would regularly draw blood 😬
So sorry you had to deal with all this! :hugsThat’s exciting you get to build an aviary now though! I’m jealous lol 🙂Turkeys are mean little buggers, I had to rehome mine because she would regularly draw blood 😬
Mine are very sweet, we raised them from eggs, they imprinted to my daughter and they followed her, cried for her etc. they do peck out of curiosity and it is often quite hard, and they try to take my rings, but theyve never broken the skin. Mine are midget whites, so maybe it’s because they aren’t as large and strong as other types.
Mine are very sweet, we raised them from eggs, they imprinted to my daughter and they followed her, cried for her etc. they do peck out of curiosity and it is often quite hard, and they try to take my rings, but theyve never broken the skin. Mine are midget whites, so maybe it’s because they aren’t as large and strong as other types.
That’s awesome that yours are friendly! Mine was a Bourbon Red. She was generally unfriendly, but she would go broody every spring, making it ten times worse 😂
I feel kind of bad for my birds. I just moved them into the greenhouse this weekend because the weather is starting to get bad. I don't have enough garden beds to give them one to play in yet, since I'm still living in here and only have space for two until I get my stuff out.

Their pens look pretty bare.


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I feel kind of bad for my birds. I just moved them into the greenhouse this weekend because the weather is starting to get bad. I don't have enough garden beds to give them one to play in yet, since I'm still living in here and only have space for two until I get my stuff out.

Their pens look pretty bare.
Are you hoping they'll do the 'packing' for ya? or did they get their packages from Amazon?!!!! :lau ....oh, nevermind, they just haven't 'unpacked',, yet!
I like the cardboard boxes because I get them anyways. Use them until the quail have made a complete mess of them, then compost them.
I do the same. My pizza place puts the fries and spoons and stuff into a shallow box made from cutting down wine boxes, and the birds love those, they’re open topped, and I feel like they prefer open topped boxes filled with chips, and upside down cave type boxes are preferred over dirt. They kick all the chips out but still like to sit in the empty boxes.

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