➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

One yellow. He's the last to hatch and the smallest. He is for sure going to be a he.
Day 22 for calis still only 2 pips but one pip has opened to a crack.
Day 16 for Buttons and 3 pips ... 20/24 definate live chicks (movement when candled b4 lockdown)
Hoping for some Roos ... ive had 4 hatches so far and only 2 roos out of a total of 40 hatchlings 😳😳 Something in the air this year??
🥺🥺 2 dead in shell with deformed heads ... 2 pipped but still alive ... the 5th was a dud. Am I right in thinking deformed heads are a genetic issue? They looked like they had no skull tops 🥺 sorry no pics I was too distraught n now im worried for these remaining 2 xx

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