đź–ŚCommunity Art Nookđź–Ś

Hey! i thought i'd pop in!
i do a lot of random mediums some of which I'm better at than others.
Photo on 4-25-23 at 4.24 PM (2).jpg
IMG_5317 (2).jpg
Photo on 5-3-24 at 3.10 PM.jpg
Photo on 2-28-23 at 6.08 PM #2 copy.jpg

I hope to develop my sketching abilities better, that's prolly my biggest goal cuz I do a lot of drawings of my characters and I wanna be better at it
I also want to try digital art at some point
Hey! i thought i'd pop in!
i do a lot of random mediums some of which I'm better at than others.

I hope to develop my sketching abilities better, that's prolly my biggest goal cuz I do a lot of drawings of my characters and I wanna be better at it
I also want to try digital art at some point
Welcome! For some reason I didn't get notified of this message!

It is cool that you have such a variety of mediums! Do you have a favorite?
I finally finished my Phoenix Rooster!!

My next chicken I want to draw is an Indo Gigante! I have some interesting plans for them!!

I am open to suggestions on chicken breeds to paint! I am willing to paint any! My theme so far with them is to paint them in a way that represents what I think of when I hear their name or see the chicken!

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