1 Week Old Alarm Clock Chick

May 10, 2024
Okie dokie...so I have this sweet little chick we have named Cece...she is like the smoke detector without the battery...she is your roommates alarm clock that never shuts off...she is SO loud.
She is one week old, Cream Legbar, I got her and her sister at the same time when they were 2 days old.
Within one day of being home with us, with a large brooder, 95 degree red heat lamp, ample water and food, she started pecking her siblings toe to the point of bleeding.
I tried all the tricks I could find online about reducing pecking--
distractions, purple medicine on the bleeding chick, I put them in a larger brooder, "pecking" her back with my finger whenever she pecked the sibling. Nothing worked.
I made her a separate brooder with all the same necessities; water, food, heat, a little roost bar, and large colored marble/rocks for something interesting. Anytime she is put back with her sister friend she immediately starts pecking her. So she is either alone and non stop chirping or pecking her sibling to death. I am at a loss. They have had electrolytes and probiotics. Today I gave her scrambled eggs/shells blended up and cooked for extra protein. They are on organic starter crumble. They have both had diarrhea so they are on Corid in their water now. I check them hourly for poopy butts, Chirpy Cece has had one once, but not since.
I have a separate brooder with three 2 week old Buff Orpingtons that are so chill and calm, I put her with them and she tried to peck them to death too. They just ran away from her like she is a scary, tiny velociraptor. I love her and I want her to be a part of our little chicken family. Any ideas? Thank you!

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