24 Hour light?

The megga chicken producers leave lights on 24 hours. The chickens eat more when lights are on. (DUH) But, I would not do it for a home flock. If its for heat, at least use a red bulb. It will keep pecking and fighting down. It may not prevent the irratation of the lights being on 24hrs but the red bulb does reduce the probs. But again I would NOT leave lights on 24 hrs. Just My two cents!

Good Luck and God Bless!
The big chicken houses we have for neighbors do not leave the lights on 24 hours. They seem to go off around 10-11 at night and back on early.
These are run by Tyson and seem to do very well.....

As long as the light is on chickens will be awake and wanting to eat.
Agree with the above. You CAN, and the sky will not usually fall, but that does not make it a particularly good idea. It is very seldom necessary. Is this a heat-lamp issue? Chances are real good that unless you're doing something wrong (no insulation, or way humid coop) you can perfectly well turn the heat lamp off from like dinnertime to 3-4 a.m. and they will be FINE, and get some decent rest (not just sleep, I mean, but their bodies getting a break from the light, which affects various physiological systems as well)

If it is merely a convenience issue, timers are very easy to install.

Good luck, have fun,

Its not that I really want to leave it on but right now they have no natuaral light source so when I go out to turn the light out they are not in bed so when I snap the light out they just freeze since they cant see and get up on the roost so I thought leaving the light on at least they could move aroudn and get comfy but I dont want to aggrave them. Yes I have thought of a timer but that doesnt solve the problem of the light switching off when they are not prepared. When its not so cold I leave the door open in the day so they tend to get ready for bed when they start losing the natural light
Sounds like they need a window.
I find that when I leave a light on 24/7 (I have to when it's REALLY cold - but the light is red), my girls get a little aggressive with each other.
sounds stressful and annoying. Wouldn't do it.

When you add light you should do it on a timer in the morning that way they dont end up stuck on the floor when the lights shut off suddenly

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i moved some silkys out to my maine coop which i did a little earlier then i should have so i put there heating lamp in the coop(aimed away from where the adults roost but still lights the whole coop a little) just a plaine white bulb i didnt have anyproblems with pecking all winter and as for food im constantly adding new birds becouse im addicted so i havent noticed anychange do to light but i also have a light on a timer since the heating light just barly lights the coop to go on at 4am-10am

just figured you might want some experience from some1 that has done this

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