5 Laying Hens, Denver CO


May 26, 2020
It is sadly time for me to end my chicken journey. I very much wanted to have free range chickens, but as it turns out our predator situation just isn't one I can manage. We had 11 hens, but just lost 6, so I am looking to sell my remaining five and close up shop (this is now the third major loss, I just cant emotionally do it any longer).

There are two Bielefelders (second generation from Omega Hills Farm), one black and one white Cochin (from the local farm store), and one "Laced Blue Belle" from Dragonfly Farm that lays mint green eggs. The Cochins are on their first laying season, the three others their second. The white cochin is currently broody.

The "special" on in the group is the Laced Blue Belle, I adore her, her name is Honkers (she is quite loud) and was hatched with her insides on the outside....I raised her in a bowl until she healed up and was ready for life. It will break my heart to see her go but I just cant deal with the stress of wondering if I am going to find her killed one day.

I am hoping whomever can take them can take them together, I hate to split them up after they all just lost more than half their flock. I am willing to take the best offer (even if its free) as I want them to go to a 'pet' type home if possible-ideally somewhere that has a good setup for lots and lots of space. If they can take the feed as well that would be ideal.

I am located in Golden, and would prefer the owner to come get them so that you can make sure you want them (I would be happy to drive them somewhere, but I don't want to get there and have to turn back!)

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