Adding roosts.


12 Years
May 2, 2012
I’m thinking of adding more roost space as I will be adding 4 chicks to my flock of 5. I’ve got a 4’x8’ coop that has one roost along the whole back wall. I cannot add a parallel one along the front as it would be too close to the windows, nor to the middle as the people door is there and it would make it hard for me to access the coop. I was thinking of a roost above their entrance that is perpendicular to the current roost, but again, the window is where I would want to put it.

How far away from the wall should it be?

I don’t think a ladder style would work as that would take up all the floor space and they’d not have room to jump down.

Would putting essentially a saw horse work? Something that doesn’t attach to the wall that is free standing?

Pictures of what you guys use would be helpful.
You can fit one shown by the red lines.


You could attach this to the side of the window framing to support one end of the roost. Run a screw up through one of the bottom holes into the roost to keep it in place.

Then hang it from a short joist hanger on the other end:

This would make removing it very easy if you ever needed. Just remove the one screw and lift it out.
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