Any fellow rock hunters?

Some more of my favorites…


Geology nerd. I've sold off most of my specimen collection over the years to fund other hobbies, but I keep a few small pieces. Mostly stuff I can wear as jewelry. Most of what I like to collect is minerals and fossils on matrix, and the few pieces I have left are safely stored.

I do have a nice banded amethyst wand I picked up at a rock show a long time ago that I keep on my desk.

I do some rock collecting. I don’t have anything fancy like some of you have, but I do have a few unique pieces. I'll try to get some pictures later! I've always wanted to find something like a geode or amethyst, but I haven't been that lucky yet.
Geology nerd. I've sold off most of my specimen collection over the years to fund other hobbies, but I keep a few small pieces. Mostly stuff I can wear as jewelry. Most of what I like to collect is minerals and fossils on matrix, and the few pieces I have left are safely stored.

I do have a nice banded amethyst wand I picked up at a rock show a long time ago that I keep on my desk.

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Amethyst will always be a favorite of mine, that is an absolutely stunning piece. True work of art. Nature is amazing!

Would love to see more if you have any other photos!
I do some rock collecting. I don’t have anything fancy like some of you have, but I do have a few unique pieces. I'll try to get some pictures later! I've always wanted to find something like a geode or amethyst, but I haven't been that lucky yet.
They’re all fancy in their own way! Just like chickens.

What sort of rocks tend to catch your eye?

Looking forward to pics of your finds!
They’re all fancy in their own way! Just like chickens.

What sort of rocks tend to catch your eye?

Looking forward to pics of your finds!
Anything that looks unique or special. The shiny ones have caught my eye a few times, but it's the unique ones that I seem to favor the most. Then there's a few that people have given me that I like a lot.
Here is my collection (lots of pictures and sorry that they're not all great quality.) :

This is my rock jar. It originally held spice in it, so when you open it, that's all you smell. I keep a lot of small rocks, sea glass, feathers, and a couple of other things in it.

Here is some random rocks (and a piece of volcanic rock) around my plants:

A piece of slate:


I have no idea what this is, but there was a lot of it when I got these two pieces. I found them in a river and they're pretty smooth except that they're covered with these nail-like things, which you can see in the picture.

Here is some more stuff I have no idea what it is. They're extremely light for their size and can be broken with your hands. I found them (and a bigger piece that I had broken and not kept) on the shoreline of a man-made lake a couple of years ago. These pieces intrest me so I've tried researching them, but haven't had much luck.

Heres a few interesting pieces from my collection, including a volcanic rock and a piece of white granite:

Here's some smooth pieces that was given to me:

Some soapstone birds and a carved piece that my Mom bought me at a rock store:

A little thing of tiny rocks (sorry for the poor photo quality on this one)

My favorite pieces (which except for the sand dollar and seashell piece were given to me). One might be part of a geode (far left), and the fancy thing in the back is also probably something special (I haven't bothered looking it up yet. It's probably something simple anyways.) And a personal favorite is the small white one that is the shape of Maine.

Now this last rock, I found in the middle of the woods when I was younger. I go back and forth of it being super valuable, but I'm not sure. If it was by the ocean, I would have assumed it was volcanic, but it was nowhere near the ocean. I have often wondered if it was a meteorite, especially after seeing pieces like this: EXTREMELY RARE!!! Wabar impact oxidizid iron meteorite&some impact glass, melt sands 141.08 g. I highly doubt that is what it is, and I have been questioning if it's just something from a nearby railroad or something and probably should be thrown away.

Here's another angle of it (the lighting made it look brighter, but it also showed the reddish hue it has in some places) :

Here's a size comparison with a Hot Wheels (which I also collect) :

Lastly, if this counts, I do collect some bones and seashells. All of these was found at the ocean:

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