At wits end with biting chickens...

Maybe it's the confined quarters (yours are not all THAT confined, it's a lovely setup!) or just the particular chicken personalities?

Of my 8 pullets, all politely and enthusiastically take treats from my hands (dandelion greens, lettuce, sorrel leaves, mealworms) and several squat for me and seem to enjoy being held and petted. The Easter Eggers and Black Australorp don't want to be handled (Sheila the BA will tolerate it but not thrilled) while the Buff Orpington (flock queen), Barred Rock and Whiting's True Blue are always underfoot and eager for my attention. The Delaware and Rhode Island Red can "take it or leave it". So maybe breed related, or not... I just wouldn't give up on the "pet" part of pet chickens; maybe they'll mellow over time.🤞
I do think keeping them in confinement amplifies issues, but that's unfortunately what we have to work with at this property 😞

Ginger (our Golden Comet) has never been big on affection, so we respect that. Pepper + Mushroom the Black Australorps can't get enough attention (even from strangers), so I'm surprised yours is a little more reserved. Everyone is a little different. I love that you got a bunch of different breeds to try!
Are you thinking additional perches in a new area? Because the back third of the run is a decent roost network, but it's furthest from the entry door.

Not going to lie, roosters freak me out! You're a brave individual with your rebar stake! Pepper must be acting as rooster of their little group. She protects everyone from the rake, and came to Ginger's aid when she was pinned down. It'd be heartwarming if I didn't have a hole in my hand! She's very gentle otherwise, so I'm hoping the hormones settle over the winter.

No other aggression. We do all-flock pellets in their treat balls and as hot mash, layer pearls in their poppy peck toys, sprouted wheatgrass 3-4 times/week, and a serving of BSFL every few days. I'm trying to find a higher protein base layer feed, as the two layers are cleaning out their oyster shell cup every week!

Also, thanks to everyone for helping me out (on Thanksgiving no less). I was feeling pretty upset about the whole ordeal, but I have some new perspective and strategies to try. Feeling very grateful for this community 🥰
Glad you are feeling better about it all.
FWIW I have had a few biters in my flock. Only one was obviously aggression. She clearly hated my ankles and was on a mission to destroy them. She has since passed on so I don’t always need to wear protective boots all the time.
I have two hand biters now. I would say theirs are ‘greedy bites’. One inhales a treat along with the nearest finger. Clumsy maybe?
The other bites my fingers after any treats I was hand feeding are gone.
And don’t laugh, but I have a bottom biter. I am not sure who it is because they attack from under my chair so are out of line of sight!

Mine have plenty of space and I don’t feel overly in danger. I mainly take precautionary steps like boots or putting my hands in my pockets when the treats are gone.
Your set up looks very lovely. I suspect some individuals just are biters!
Update: Pepper bit me on the arm today. Thankfully, I was wearing a winter coat. I carried her into the holding pen away from the other chickens and did a submissive hold with some head pecks thrown in for good measure. She did eventually submit.

Going to go forward with the @aart strategy: no "cuddles" and no treats. My user photo is becoming too close to my daily reality. We go in 3x/day to clean up, and that's often paired with a delicious offering (sprouts, fermented feed, or nighttime scratch). Now every visit is filled with ear-splitting chicken screams, lunging at our pockets, and the occasional chomp. Will report back in a week with an update on their behavior.

Lessons are being learned! 😫
I have a very cranky girl named Parsley. All my chickens are Buff Orpingtons and are super sweet and mellow...except her. She started flying at me like yours and has drawn blood before. She even came at me with her talons. She attacks when I try to touch my other girls (who like being petted). She will take treats from my hand and even tolerate (mostly) me petting her. I can pick her up without issue. But try to touch another hen...I get pecked every time. I think she is just very protective of her sisters and also looking for someone to dominate, as she is on the bottom of the pecking order.

I've also done the back/head pecking, holding her down, etc. She started laying in July and has calmed down a bit, but I think she is just a cranky jerk. I always joke that she's lucky I'm vegetarian. :lol:

When she started attacking me, I posted on this forum and it sounds like you are doing everything I was told to do. I hope your girl gets calmer and stops looking for fights, but I still have to put up with Parsley's delightful personality on a daily basis. It's nothing you are doing wrong.
I have a very cranky girl named Parsley. All my chickens are Buff Orpingtons and are super sweet and mellow...except her. She started flying at me like yours and has drawn blood before. She even came at me with her talons. She attacks when I try to touch my other girls (who like being petted). She will take treats from my hand and even tolerate (mostly) me petting her. I can pick her up without issue. But try to touch another hen...I get pecked every time. I think she is just very protective of her sisters and also looking for someone to dominate, as she is on the bottom of the pecking order.

I've also done the back/head pecking, holding her down, etc. She started laying in July and has calmed down a bit, but I think she is just a cranky jerk. I always joke that she's lucky I'm vegetarian. :lol:

When she started attacking me, I posted on this forum and it sounds like you are doing everything I was told to do. I hope your girl gets calmer and stops looking for fights, but I still have to put up with Parsley's delightful personality on a daily basis. It's nothing you are doing wrong.
Thanks for posting this. I'm sorry you're going through the same thing, but it's also comforting to not to be alone. Buff Orpington's are supposed to be one of the gentlest breeds (same with Australorps)! I'm bummed for both of us.
I have 3 six-month old chickens (Ginger - Golden Comet, Pepper & Mushroom - Black Australorps).

Ginger has always been a biter. Not in a mean way, but more exploratory/treat related. I've followed the advice on this forum, but can't seem to break her of it. She's behaved this way before and after laying eggs.

Pepper has had a slight aggression issue with rakes/poop scoops. Once in a while she'll get wound up and start posturing/attacking while I'm cleaning up. It mostly happens if I nudge her with the rake in an attempt to move her (as you know, they're constantly underfoot). I've also had issues where I've needed to work in their run, and Pepper will be RIGHT THERE trying to nip at me and whatever I'm doing. I'll gently nudge her away, and she starts posturing to fight. I peck her on the back/head, and while she initially runs away, she comes right back to continue the confrontation.

This all came to a head today. Ginger bit my leg, so I immediately started to correct her with back pecks. Pepper did not like that, and flew at me like a freaking rooster. Bit my hand and drew blood. I tried to pin her down, but she would NOT submit so I backed off rather than risk hurting her. I will add that she just started laying eggs 2 days ago.

I feel like total crap. Pepper is sweet 95% of the time, and even enjoys being pet on the belly. I don't know what else to do. Any advice, criticism, or "that happened to me too"s are appreciated.
I have hatched roos in the beginning of the year so this one became my favorite and we saved him from the others we butchered. He's really sweet and looks out for the girls. So recently he'll bite at my boots and then the girls do it too..I think it's bc I'm getting ready to fill their water when they are out or when getting food. But most of the time there is food in there bucket and I think he freaks out bc his comb is big and thinks he can't fit his head in to get food so I just sprinkle dinner out on the grass.. It he thinks they need something else like scratch. It's a mobile a frame so my husband pulls it in a new area from time to time.. Ive been giving them pumpkin from the garden sometimes.. So maybe that's why mine bites at me sometimes he's even pecked my leg before but I go to pet him and he lets me out him and hold him so idk that's what I think..

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