Austin, Tx, buying new house, have to learn to live off the land.


11 Years
Jan 12, 2009
we move at the end of Feb. Have a ways to go, obviously we need to educate ourselves before we get started. Off to a new adventure for ourselves and 6 grandkids. Hope to meet some new friends on the way as well.
from TN. You eill love this site, its very educational.
You're going to LOVE Austin! (except for July and August) I lived there most of my adult life and am still calling it home..... sigh, wish I was there.....

Which area of Austin?

You will not only find a wealth of information on this site, but also the sister sites, BackYardCows and SelfSufficient. Explore the different forums, ask questions, feel free to post questions or answers. Good Luck to you and the grandkids, and again Welcome!
Welcome to BYC! You will find kindred spirits here with lots of helpful info for you. Chickens are a good start to living off the land. They are relativley inexpensive to get started with and do not require a lot of space unless you are going to free range them. The poo is great garden fertilizer as I'm sure you realize. Anyway welcome aboard! Check out my coop I built with lumber I made myself with nothing but a chainsaw with a attachment and used materials. It's bigger than most of the coops you will see here but it seems like anything you build is never big enough.
Dang, wish that had been around when I was around. My old coop on Redd St. in South Austin is sitting empty. Can't be moved either, bedded in concrete.
Anyway, the tour looks like great fun and a real winner! Best of luck, what a great idea!

"South Austin- We're all here cause we're not all there."

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