Blister on hens face near eye


5 Years
Oct 19, 2018
My hen has a large swollen blister on her face near her eye. She's had respiratory problems her whole life. Not sure if it's related or not. Can anyone tell me if I should do anything about this blister on her face? In the pictures below, she was in the middle of eating while I snapped these pictures, so there is some wet food on her beak.


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It could be a fluid filled cyst if it feels squishy. If it is more firm, it could be pus from a peck wound or sinus infection. If it is hard it may be a hard cyst. It is in the region where we see sinus infection swelling. Does she have any respiratory symptoms now? Bubbles or foam in one eye, inflammation of the lining around the eye, sneezing, gasping, crackles or wheezing are some of those. If she has a respiratory disease, it might improve if you try to press and express some pus. Tylosin in the water can help treat symptoms of MG, a common respiratory disease.
It could be a fluid filled cyst if it feels squishy. If it is more firm, it could be pus from a peck wound or sinus infection. If it is hard it may be a hard cyst. It is in the region where we see sinus infection swelling. Does she have any respiratory symptoms now? Bubbles or foam in one eye, inflammation of the lining around the eye, sneezing, gasping, crackles or wheezing are some of those. If she has a respiratory disease, it might improve if you try to press and express some pus. Tylosin in the water can help treat symptoms of MG, a common respiratory disease.
She is about 4 years old and has always had some sort of respiratory problem. She wheezes and gasps daily. I haven't tried to feel the cyst yet, I'll have to do that to see if it's hard or squishy.

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