Bloody Chicken Poop, Diahhrea, Poop Chart

can I get some confirmation on whether finding blood in chicken poop is something to be concerned about or not... I've been finding blood in my chickens poops for the past week, it's not in every poop they do but I am finding it in poops in their run daily. I can confirm for sure that it's not worms as all chickens have just finished a second course of flubenvet for a previous worm problem. Thanks!

3 yr old RIR hen is lethargic- but still eating and drinking, any feedback is appreciated.
Did anyone reply to this? I just had a chicken pass away and her poop looked just like this. She tested negative for coccdiosis.
Just another person saying THANK YOU for posting this link!!! I was in a panic after finding two different poops from otherwise healthy seeming young chicks that sort of looked like raspberry mousse (sorry for the visual!!!), but it almost perfectly matches the picture with the intestinal lining shedding.

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