Breed and gender please

Without knowing wher your chicks came from, or what the mix was supposed to be, it is hard to determine breds. But from your photos, the first 5 photos of the black and white is a cockerel. The black chick appears to be an Australorp pullet. The golden chick could be a gold sex Link, or sometimes called a Cinnamon Queen, pullet. And if this was a hatchery mix of supposed to be pure breds, the white chick may be a Sex link cockerel. The brown chick could be a Welsummer pullet but that is just a wild guess
Thanks for the info. These are a mixed batch that I raised under a broody. The guy I got them from has a huge flock of different chickens so I have no idea what they are. He said that his rooster was an araucana but i dont think he really knows. Also he had just got rid of 2 other roosters a day or two before i got the eggs from him. The white one is the broody that hatched them. She is some sort of mixed bantam. She is a crazy good mama! The chicks are now bigger than her but she is still leading them around. It is hilarious to watch these huge chicks try to get under her at night!! Both of the black and white chicks are roosters for sure. The black pullet looks like an Austrolorp to me also. The yellow chick and the black and gold look like pullets to me also but there is a little reddening to the comb so I guess I may have wait and see. Thanks for the help and I will try to update in a week or so.

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