Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

Dolly is the only permanent broody. Everyone else gets broody and defensive when I walk by. (Those who aren't just popping an egg)

If they're still laying, they're not fully broody, yet. They might be pre-broody. Within the week they should commit, or decide there's no reason to bother
@2ndTink @fluffycrow @tlcmurphy @Debbie292d @TwoCrows @WoDia

Do any of yall know why I have chickens who brood for the day and only Dolly who broods to stay?
My King quail kept doing that until she finally decided to go full-out broody. Over several days, she’d gather up eggs and sit on the nest for hours at a time. Then I’d find her out with her flock and cold eggs in the nest. I’d remove the eggs each time, but she continued to gather them. It sounds as if your girls aren’t quite ready to brood yet. I’ve had LF hens do the same thing. Some will be excellent and unstoppable broodies, from a young age. Others will be “lazy” about it and never really show much interest. Give your girls time, Elfen. If they’re anything like mine, Dolly may trigger the other girls broodiness. It gets crazy here for me, because I’ll have 1 Serama go broody and 3 or 4 more get broody after the 1st. I don’t know if anyone else has the same issue with bantam multi-broodiness, but my tiny girls definitely out-do my LF with that. I usually have 1-2 LF go broody at the same time.
My King quail kept doing that until she finally decided to go full-out broody. Over several days, she’d gather up eggs and sit on the nest for hours at a time. Then I’d find her out with her flock and cold eggs in the nest. I’d remove the eggs each time, but she continued to gather them. It sounds as if your girls aren’t quite ready to brood yet. I’ve had LF hens do the same thing. Some will be excellent and unstoppable broodies, from a young age. Others will be “lazy” about it and never really show much interest. Give your girls time, Elfen. If they’re anything like mine, Dolly may trigger the other girls broodiness. It gets crazy here for me, because I’ll have 1 Serama go broody and 3 or 4 more get broody after the 1st. I don’t know if anyone else has the same issue with bantam multi-broodiness, but my tiny girls definitely out-do my LF with that. I usually have 1-2 LF go broody at the same time.
Maybe it is Dolly's silkie half that has her channeling her inner broody. 😆

The other 2 that I noticed will sit down, act broody, and shove eggs under them. They do end up leaving after a few hours though. They even squawk and peck at me if I get too close (when I am checking on Dolly during my rounds)
Maybe it is Dolly's silkie half that has her channeling her inner broody. 😆

The other 2 that I noticed will sit down, act broody, and shove eggs under them. They do end up leaving after a few hours though. They even squawk and peck at me if I get too close (when I am checking on Dolly during my rounds)
It sounds like promising broody behavior. Eventually, your girls will hear the call of broodiness. And like Fluffy suggested, it does sound like pre-broodiness. They’ll probably be ready when you don’t want them to be!! 🤣
Sweet Dreams Jewel and the Dolly Eggies! 🩷

Should I just leave eggs for them to sit on? 🤔 I don't want to waste eggs either.
I gather all of the eggs in the coop as I don't want them sitting on them. If I did, I think I'd be sly and move them all to one nest I know they all like the best. Most [silkie] hens who see a nest full of eggs, broody or not, will want to sit on them, to hatch.

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