Buff Orpington


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2022
My buff orpington has been having trouble laying eggs. The last egg she laid was normal but then she lays soft shelled. She only 3 yrs old and today laid this. Reminds me of raw poultry. Can anybody help? Is my hen in trouble. Never experienced this before. I did switch from regular crumble to organic.
It looks like it's lash or egg membrane (those might actually be the same thing). I suggest upping her calcium and giving her an antibiotic treatment. @LaFleche might be more helpful on what to give her.
For a period of 7-10 days you can give her a daily tablet of calcium citrate 600 +vitamin D and add some vitamin C (apple or ascorbic acid) to help her expel whatever debris might be left in her oviduct and form a proper eggshell.

To administer the tablet just sit her on your lap head facing forward. Grab her wattles and pull down until her beak opens, than quickly slip the tablet in with your other hand and let go of her wattles so she can swallow.

You can find the above mentioned products in the vitamins and supplements aisle of every grocery store.

Please, let us know how she gets along.
For a period of 7-10 days you can give her a daily tablet of calcium citrate 600 +vitamin D and add some vitamin C (apple or ascorbic acid) to help her expel whatever debris might be left in her oviduct and form a proper eggshell.

To administer the tablet just sit her on your lap head facing forward. Grab her wattles and pull down until her beak opens, than quickly slip the tablet in with your other hand and let go of her wattles so she can swallow.

You can find the above mentioned products in the vitamins and supplements aisle of every grocery store.

Please, let us know how she gets along.
Thank you so much! Today will be day 8 of giving her a calcium tablet. It’s been a bit back and forth with her eating habits. For a little bit, she didn’t want any of her favs. She’s getting back to being her sweet self. I’ve had her inside to monitor her eating and overall behavior. She’s not complaining but she also hasn’t desired to lay an egg though. I’ve read that sometimes they stop laying which I’m fine with as long as it doesn’t affect her quality of life. She has a bare bottom because one of my other hens tends to be a plucker, so she’s slowly growing her feathers back. I really appreciate this form. I’m about 3 years in to raising my hens. I had 9 girls and have lost 2 even though I’m constantly checking them. It’s always devastating. I’m down to 7 and it’s more than enough. Again, thank you and God Bless

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