Can I travel with my pet pigeon?


In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2023
I don't have a pigeon yet but I likely will in the near future, so I'm just thinking ahead. I don't go out of town very often, but every now and then my family and I will take a trip to visit a relative or something. Sometimes it's just a day trip, but sometimes it's a couple of days, or on bigger trips around a week (very rare). I'm pretty sure for a day trip/overnight the bird would be okay as long as it has enough food and water to last. But of course I wouldn't want to leave it alone for much longer than that.
So if I'm able to bring the pigeon with me, should I? From what I've seen, pigeons are kind of homebodies. Would it feel okay as long as it's around its human flock or would it be really stressed out in an unfamiliar environment?
Of course, I don't wanna freak my birdie out and if this is the case I would find someone to take care of it at home while I'm away, but I can be just as clingy with my pets as they are with me and it'd be nice if I could bring it with me so we wouldn't miss each other :)
(Side note, I know pigeons are less lonely if you get them a mate, but as it is right now I could only keep one.)
If we can travel with two macaw parrots, I think you'd be fine with a pigeon. You have to be careful if it's out of the cage due to local ordinances about pets unrestrained in vehicles as our city ended up passing one.

Hubby made a perch for them behind the car seats with a dowel he attached to the head rests. Sophie, the one we've had for over 20 years would rather be in my lap.

They are both pluckers is why they have no front feathers.

If we're gone just for a day or two, we leave them home, but longer than that, they come with us. We have a collapsable cage in the back we set up once we get there. You could do the same on a smaller scale if you wanted to.


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Disclaimer: I have never traveled with pigeons myself.

If I was doing it I would use one of those rabbit cages with the plastic bottom and wire top half. I see them on Craigslist a lot. Then I would take the pigeon out on a short trip away from the house to see how he does, if he freaks out in the cage or acts visibly stressed once you begin driving away, it’s time to stop and reassess. If not, then you’re probably going to be fine. At that point I would consider offering a high value food like peanuts as some positive reinforcement. I don’t think it would take more than a few repetitions to totally desensitize the pigeon to this process.
If we can travel with two macaw parrots, I think you'd be fine with a pigeon. You have to be careful if it's out of the cage due to local ordinances about pets unrestrained in vehicles as our city ended up passing one.

Hubby made a perch for them behind the car seats with a dowel he attached to the head rests. Sophie, the one we've had for over 20 years would rather be in my lap.

They are both pluckers is why they have no front feathers.

If we're gone just for a day or two, we leave them home, but longer than that, they come with us. We have a collapsable cage in the back we set up once we get there. You could do the same on a smaller scale if you wanted to.
lol hi again deb!

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