Can my 5 week old chicks go outside in 30-50 degree weather?

Mar 31, 2021
I have 6, 5 week old chicks, 4 of them are Easter Eggers and the other 2 are Golden Comets. A week ago I was putting them in their run to play during the day and I would bring them back inside in their brooder during the night. Then a few days ago I put them in their coop for the night and they were fine. However lately the nights have been at 30's to 50's and I was wondering if they can stay outside in their coop. This coop is an Omlet Eglu Cube Chicken Coop it is a really good coop for beginners like me because it is easy to clean, very secure and my chicks love it.:D I really hope they can stay outside because they are outgrowing their brooder and they are little poopmachines.:p:rolleyes: Please let me know what you think.:)
I had the same question. My chicks are at the point of being taller and almost fully feathered. In the past I kept them inside until they were bigger and now, I dont want the mess and would like to place outside. I will wean from the light and hope to move outside soon. I have 11 chickens outside, so I am going to place them in a coop and have them be next to them as they grow.


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