Can stall Dry as safe as food grade DE


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
Salem, Oregon
Food Grade DE is very expensive and my bag of Stall Dry says it's safe for animals. The bag says it's a DE and clay mixture.
I want to put with their feed to prevent worms.
Appreciate comment from you knowledgeable chicken lovers.

Stall dry is used to keep bedding dry. To the best of my knowledge there is no data available about adding it to their diet. Sweet PDZ, however can safely be added to the diet.

There is a ton of conflicting information about whether or not DE prevents worms when fed to the birds. I personally fall into the "doesn't work very well" crowd.
I just receive a sample bag of Stall Dry from the company rep at Equine Affair show. I'm not putting it in their feed, I have a bag of DE for that.
Stall dry contains food grade DE, that is their biggest claim to why it is a better product than sweet PDZ. Since using DE (I started in July), I don't have any bugs in my coop.
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I use Stall Dry on the floors of my coop when I clean regularly to help with dampness, bugs and smell. I would never add it to their feed. DE I also use and it goes in the feed barrel and feeders.
From :
Rabbits, Small Animals, Reptiles & Birds
Even little critters can create big smells...

It is easy to control odor in small animal habitats and pet cages using Sweet PDZ. Simply sprinkle a light, visible covering on the bottom of the habitat, cage or catch and watch and smell how fast Sweet PDZ absorbs the urine and captures the ammonia and odors. A little Sweet PDZ goes a long way in these small habitats, and it makes your home environment and your cute little critters living area much more healthy and enjoyable by not having to smell that noxious ammonia odor. Clean out your habitat regularly, and reapply a little Sweet PDZ every few days, or as needed. Sweet PDZ is completely safe for use with these small pets.

Chickens have a lot of benefits, but they are by no means the neatest of barnyard animals. In fact their coops, hen houses and pens can get really stinky. Sweet PDZ is the answer to your smelly, dropping filled coops. Sprinkle Sweet PDZ liberally where the birds make their mess. Reapply regularly on the most frequently used roosting areas, and you’ll be well on your way to a healthy, safe and pleasant smelling chicken house. Sweet PDZ also makes it much easier to remove the droppings when cleaning out the chicken’s house. As an added benefit Granular Sweet PDZ can be safely eaten by the birds and used by them to grind their food. Clean smelling chickens = healthy chickens.


Pest Control...

Sweet PDZ is not an insecticide, but its drying effect and sharp surface area dries and kills many insects. Sweet PDZ is a safe, organic and natural alternative to add to your pest control programs.
I too have found that stall dry is a quick
way to keep your coops dry. But
I never put it in the feed.
I have used 2tablesp. of apple cider vinegar
in a gal of water to feed all my troops, after the age of 2 months
and from hatch to2mo.
I use 2 teasp. to a gal of their water.
and have never seen worms and
never lost any except to critters.
I put DE in my feed, and still do, but it did not prevent a large infestation of worms in my chickens. I am currently worming them with Wazine and Ivermectin next. I do like DE, and still use it for it's poo drying capabilities etc. But I will not count on it as my only worming prevention anymore.
Some, but not all, clay can have lead in it (I remember this from a pottery class). If it has lead in it, it is not safe to eat. So it may not be a good idea to feed them clay on a daily basis. The food grade DE is a safer choice if you want something in their feed daily and the Stall Dry/Sweet PDZ for the bedding and other areas.
I put a thick layer of Stall Dry under my shavings. The chicks dig down and and use it for dust baths. They pick at it so I'm sure that they consume some. I don't add it to their food, however. It contains clay. The small amount they consume by picking at it won't hurt them, but I wouldn't deliberately feed it to them in quantity.

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