Change of plans



Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Oct 20, 2020
Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Because of all the problems with the post office and chicks arriving dead I canceled my order. I decided to get 3 started pullets, 6 weeks old from a hatchery here in Texas so I can pick them up. This is my question, I planned on brooding my chicks outside in the coop with my current ladies. Can I still do that? This is a piece of my old prefab that I kept for that specific reason.


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28in Hx 28in Dx 45in W. My coop is 8x7x7ft tall. Didn't plan on any heat cuz I know they don't need it. Here's the set up

That's almost 9 square feet less the space taken up by the feeder and waterer so it should be OK for a few weeks of growth and see-don't-touch integration.

After the initial adjustment, if you can rig a way that the littles can get in and out but the adults can't -- maybe using a hook and eye to prop the door open slightly? -- you can use it to provide a safe refuge further on during the integration process.
I made the mistake of building a run that cannot be moved around. I'll need to make some fencing in new areas this summer. But honestly, they did such a 'scorched-earth' deal on the ground that was such nice tall grasses when they came, that I don't think anything will ever grow there again. It is worst than any forest fire.

you may need more than 2 spots to rotate through. Chickens work from sunrise to sunset, scratching everything out of existence. They barely leave the dirt behind.

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