Chick crushed - still breathing - anything I can do?


Jul 2, 2015
Muncy, Pennsylvania
I know this is a long shot but in case anyone has come across this before. I somehow managed to crush a 5 week old chick in the coop door. I picked it up quickly and it seemed shocked and then collapsed in my hands, went limp, eyes closed, neck went limp. But he is still breathing, although very quickly. I brought him inside and put him under a lamp. Every few minutes he seems to wake up and walk for about two seconds and then goes limp again. No external injuries but it is a heavy insulated door so I am assuming the internal injuries are probably intense. It has been about ten minutes since the accident. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you.
Edit to add->When I dip his beak into water, the tongue still moves to swallow, although the head and neck remains limp.

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It has been about 45 minutes. His breathing has become slower and more regular. He has stopped waking up randomly but still opens his eyes when getting picked up and is still drinking when beak is dipped into water. No swelling that I can feel.
Unfortunately it is Saturday night and nothing is open for hours from here so I am trying to do as best as I can right now. If the chick is still alive when a vet is available I will gladly do it. Thank you!
Ive had this before :hit i stepped on my chick by accident. He died later but i was happy cause he was in a better place and his injures were sever. Anyways it depends was it a stomp or just a light step?
Everyday she is getting a little bit better. She is now walking and drinking by herself. I am giving her crushed chick feed in water plus Nutri-Drench. She is defecating and it looks to be normal. She now also wakes up when I walk into the room and peeps whereas yesterday she was unresponsive until you touched her. She is still spending a ton of time sleeping and does not move around much but her motor skills seems fine. She sleeps with her head under her wing, I have seen her stretch, scratch herself, and groom herself so there does not seem to be any movement problems. Her breathing is now also normal. Hopefully she continues to improve. Thanks for the help everyone!

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