Chick feeder frustration


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2024
Hello. I’m not new to chickens or raising them but this year the new chicks we got are driving me crazy. I’m using the test of time tray feeder with slots in it for the chicks. Not sure the chicks understand that they’re supposed to eat the food in the tray and not fill it up with the pine chip bedding. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve explained it to them daily but to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas or know a better feeder for chicks so this “feeder frustration” can be averted? 😜
Hi @willychuck :frow

I have found slightly elevating the feed trays and waterers off the ground helps tremendously with keeping pine shaving out of the feed and water.

Sounds like a plan. We raised the waterer up on brick and it helped a lot. Just wasn’t sure the feeder up on bricks wouldn’t get knocked over by the ones who like to get on top to feed and be king of the feeder!!! 🤣 But give that a try 👍🏻 thanks again
I stare at that same chick feeder every year when I'm getting my brooder ready for chicks but I pass it up for round feeders that I can elevate with 2x6 wood blocks. I also give my chicks mash (add water to starter,) in a bowl and elevate that. The long feeder becomes a place to perch as well as other issues so I just don't use it anymore.
I stare at that same chick feeder every year when I'm getting my brooder ready for chicks but I pass it up for round feeders that I can elevate with 2x6 wood blocks. I also give my chicks mash (add water to starter,) in a bowl and elevate that. The long feeder becomes a place to perch as well as other issues so I just don't use it anymore.
That’s a good idea. Thinking I’m gonna put that ol feeder tray aside and give the elevated feeder a go 👍🏻

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