Chick hatched with leg stuck straight up. What to do? (X-posted!)


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
A buff brahma/EE chick hatched last night and its leg seems to be stuck straight up. Something is wrong with the joint. It's red and crusty and angular, though not bloody. The leg doesn't easily bend down, and when I try the poor little chick screams. It also hatched without all the yolk absorbed, but it didn't seem to be bothered. It popped out of the egg quickly and peeping up a storm, and it flung itself (and yolk) all over the bator in a matter of minutes after hatching. It's perfectly fine other than that leg.

The chick scoots around with the "knee" of the leg flat on the ground like it's the foot, and since the leg is stuck straight up it keeps poking itself in the eye with its toes.



All the other chicks are perfectly fine as far as I can tell, so I don't know if it's just a freak mishap or if it's something I did. I had humidity issues on hatch got up to 90% then dropped back down. I still had 10 out of 11 fully developed eggs hatch though!

So what can I do for this leg? Anything? What would you do?
Give it a little time. Put electrolytes and vitamins in the water. Some have even recommended poly vi sol (no iron) infant drops too. It might just need a little time. Glenda Haywood is a good one for this question too! I will try and find her info for you so you can PM her.....
in the meantime Good Luck and give her/him a little extra care and attention. It is always well worth it.
Glenda L Heywood is who you need to PM and ask. She might be able to help. Look her up in the directory and send her a PM. Try, try before you cull. Your persistence might pay off and it is soooo worth it either way. You are your chickies best hope.
Your chickie is lucky to have you as a mommy hen!
Good Luck!
If it was me I would treat it like spraddle leg.... take you a bandaid and wrap around both legs and leave for a few day's and see what happens. I would not cull until I tried. The vitamins will not hurt either!!
I just made it a little splint with clean smooth sticks. One splint goes under the leg, but the leg could still pop up, so I added a splint crossways on top of the leg to keep it from being able to move up. It seems to be ok, the chick stopped crying and it can hobble around better with the brace on.

If this doesn't work I'll try the spraddle leg treatment! I'll also pick up some vitamins tomorrow, just in case. It seems like such a lethargic chick. Maybe because it's in some pain?
i had a chick recover from paralyzed legs with the vita flight bird vitamins...though, from the photo, your chick looks more like it might be a physical deformity.

but i agree, it's worth a try and there are several routes you might go. our chick turned out fine and now lays nice blue eggs for us. and she seemed a hopeless case at the time

buena suerte

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