Chick with weak legs


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2024
Hi, this is my first post. 👋
I need some help with what might be going on with one of my chicks. Audrey is a silver laced Wyandotte almost 3 weeks old and has been doing really well until yesterday. I'm noticing her sitting more on her ankles. She will lie down and sometimes has wings slightly out from her body. She's eating well, looks alert, no appearance of illness. Her feet are in front of her...not splayed out or at weird angles. I see her stand up straighter briefly when she's eating then she will sit on ankles again.
This is my first time raising chicks and I've researched everything and all has been going well. I need help figuring out what's wrong with her. Thanks!
This is my first time raising chicks and I've researched everything and all has been going well. I need help figuring out what's wrong with her.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Please describe feed routine including treats and supplements.

Are you able to post pics or video?

Also, please describe your brooder set up.. lying down with wings spread *might* be an indicator that it's too warm. More details may help discern if there is any concern. :fl
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Please describe feed routine including treats and supplements.

Are you able to post pics or video?

Also, please describe your brooder set up.. lying down with wings spread *might* be an indicator that it's too warm. More details may help discern if there is any concern. :fl
Hi, here is the info on's a plastic storage container for a brooder. The lid is mostly cut out with screen put in, I only have two chicks. The one with the issues is a silver laced Wyandotte, the other one is a Barred Rock. Both almost 3 weeks old. The floor of the brooder was rubber shelf liner (recommended by Lisa Steele from Fresh Eggs Daily). Did that for the first week. It was a pain to clean so week two used puppy pads. Some pine shavings added in as well.
The feed is Southern Naturals non gmo and non medicated starter/grower (I'm in Texas and the feed is made in Texas, I get it from one of our feed stores). I'm using the Strong Animals Chick Elixer additive in the water (has oregano, pre and probiotics). A sprinkle of First Peep on the feed also made by Strong Animals. I'm wanting to protect them naturally. During week 2 I gave them a pinch of teeny bits of darker lettuces, also little sprouts I had made. Once a day that's it with skipping a day on occasion, towards end of week two added a small tray of dirt from outside. They love the dirt baths!
Audrey was doing well, getting up on a small chick perch and on top of the Brinsea radiant heat that I have been using for their heat source. A few days ago she changed and is getting around like a low rider!
I have them in a room with the door shut as we have 3 cats. I do hydroponic gardening so my units provide light and warmth. I also distill my own water and use that room so it does get toasty in the room. I've kept an eye on the chicks...have a poultry brooder thermometer and it's been a consistent 80 degrees.
When I noticed the wings a bit away from Audrey plus the walking issues I immediately moved the water distiller out...the temp hasn't checked much. It's still around 80, maybe 78 or 79. To be on the safe side I mixed some Sav a Chick into their water just in case. This was Thurs. Yesterday still the same behavior. Her droppings are normal, her eyes bright, alert, and wants to eat when food is put out.
The other chick, Amelia, seems to be more outgoing and jumps into the food ahead of Amelia. I've tried putting two separate bowls down, but Audrey wants to eat with Amelia...and she does get food just seems a tad more shy. No sign of bullying!
I inspected her legs last night and no sign of any issues. I posted my concern on aFB group and got a reply from an administrator that recommended Poultry Cell. I got some last night and started her on it. We both wondered if it's a nutritional deficiency? I also would love your opinion on this! Including a pic from yesterday. You can see how she's standing lower down. She's the sweetie looking at the camera.

Chicks do not need anything except chick starter grower to eat, since the lettuce or others may dilute her vitamins and minerals that she is getting with her balanced feed. Treats like that are better saved for when they are older, and getting some grit. The Poultry Cell is a good idea since it contains vitamins and minerals including riboflavin (vitamin B 2) which may help her. Do her toes curl under? That can be associated with walking low or on their hocks, and may be a riboflavin deficiency. But she could be developing some other problem. Make sure that she can get to her food and water, and maybe offer some wet chick crumbles for extra food and water. A chicken sling chair is only needed for chicks who cannot walk or who are injured. Here is a thread with examples, but I doubt if she needs that:
Oh, and sorry didn't answer your question about toe curling. No they don't curl. They are flat and stay in front of her.

Chicks do not need anything except chick starter grower to eat, since the lettuce or others may dilute her vitamins and minerals that she is getting with her balanced feed. Treats like that are better saved for when they are older, and getting some grit. The Poultry Cell is a good idea since it contains vitamins and minerals including riboflavin (vitamin B 2) which may help her. Do her toes curl under? That can be associated with walking low or on their hocks, and may be a riboflavin deficiency. But she could be developing some other problem. Make sure that she can get to her food and water, and maybe offer some wet chick crumbles for extra food and water. A chicken sling chair is only needed for chicks who cannot walk or who are injured. Here is a thread with examples, but I doubt if she needs that:
Thank you! I looked up chicken chairs so educated myself on what they are. Audrey can access her food and water. She gets around the brooder...she'll stand straighter at times then sit back down. She doesn't act dizzy and she doesn't flop over. I'm laying off any treats for now. Thank you for the info on that. I did tiny bits and not a lot...but who knows, right? I'll hold off anymore for a while. No her toes are not curling. They are flat and staying in front of her.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Please describe feed routine including treats and supplements.

Are you able to post pics or video?

Also, please describe your brooder set up.. lying down with wings spread *might* be an indicator that it's too warm. More details may help discern if there is any concern. :fl
I wanted to comment again about Audrey. I thought she might be having a splayed leg condition so two days ago did a hobble brace on her. The good news is a day later she can walk and not continually want to sit down on her hocks. I wanted to know about her feet as they want to turn outward. Mostly the left one. The toes lay flat, not curled. Is this part of a splayed leg condition? I'm also give her Poultry Cell. Anything else I can do?
I wanted to comment again about Audrey. I thought she might be having a splayed leg condition so two days ago did a hobble brace on her. The good news is a day later she can walk and not continually want to sit down on her hocks. I wanted to know about her feet as they want to turn outward. Mostly the left one. The toes lay flat, not curled. Is this part of a splayed leg condition? I'm also give her Poultry Cell. Anything else I can do?
Splay legs are *usually* apparent at hatch.. not 3 weeks out.

I've not heard of anyone hobbling a 3 week old chick and seeing improvement, before you.

My *guess* would be the vitamins are working. Your feed routine didn't sound extremely off to really cause a deficiency.. BUT some individuals for whatever genetic reason may require more support than the standard chick.

It's also possible you may be looking at a valgus or varus type or other congenital/hatching deformity.. maybe hold the chick in a manner we can better see what you're describing.

Glad you are seeing some improvement!

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