Chicken Jokes!


In the Brooder
Jan 16, 2023
I'm pretty sure my family will kill me if I say another cheesy pun/joke, so I'll be putting them here. Prepare for the worst!

What is the name of the chicken with lettuce stuck in her eye?
Chicken Sees-A-Salad.

Did you hear about the chicken police investigating a stolen egg from the coop?

They suspect fowl play.

What do you get when you put a chicken in a concrete mixer?

A brick layer.

Post your jokes below!
Well, here are a few more - If no one else wants to add their jokes, you'll have to continue laughing; or cringing, at mine! 🤣

How did the chicken with no legs cross the road?

In a KFC bucket.

Why do chickens not like bossy roosters?

Because they ruffle everyone's feathers.

What did the rooster say to the chicken?

You are impeck-able

Did you hear about the rooster who won the prize for the best bird?

He became very cocky.

I hope you laughed or smacked your forehead at the lameness of these jokes, at least once! Have an eggs-cellent day!
What do you call a hen who haunts a chicken farm?
A poultry-geist!

Why do hens always live in the moment?
Because they don't like to count their chickens before they hatch!

What is a chicken's favorite fantasy film?
Lord of the Wings!

Who was the first hen to fly across the Atlantic?
Amelia Egg-hart!

Where do hens stay when they go on vacation?
At a chick inn.

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