Chicken Losing Feathers Suddenly Around Her Neck? Sick or stress molt?


Jan 26, 2024
Hello! We have a chicken suddenly losing feathers around her neck. A few details,
- She has been bald for a while after being pecked while young by our turkey. They get along much better now, so I do not think she is being pecked/bullied.
- She is about 1.5 years olds
- We believe she is still eating and drinking normally (ignore that spot on her beak in the photos, it is banana)
- We are wondering if this could be stress related? We recently got them a newer/much more secure coop then what they had previously. Transitioned them to it about 2/3 weeks ago. Last week, we had a whole week of snow. My chickens have never seen snow and they hated it. It was also very cold outside (huge, sudden change in temperatures here...3 days ago it was 10 degrees and today it is almost 70 degrees). During last week with the snow on the ground, the chickens hardly left their coop for almost the whole week. Some things I have read are making me think this is related to stress, between moving coops, a sudden change in temperature/weather, and staying in her coop for almost a week straight. My chickens normally free range on our acre of land, so prolonged time in the coop is very rare for them.
- All my other chickens/turkey are normal. No feathers lost. All their energy levels appear normal.
- In some of these photos, it looks like new feathers might be coming in? We are new-ish chicken parents (1.5 years) but have had no health concerns with our flock so not quite sure what to do. I am wondering if I should separate her, however I am worried that this might increase her stress.

Thank you all!!! I just want her healthy and happy and appreciate all advice. Really hoping this is stress related. She is looking awfully weird without her feathers.


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