Chicken not very interested in food. Seems to be getting weaker!


Mar 16, 2024
Over the past few weeks my chicken has been acting lethargic and not eating much food. Her tail is generally slanted down. I've seen her drinking water, and while she still pecks at food, she isn't very interested in it and didn't even want any meal worms. I checked her for lice/mites and I couldn't find any, however I don't have any experience in looking for any. Her crop has been pretty empty each time I've checked it and she seems to be getting lighter and weaker. We tried giving her calcium citrate for a few days, but it didn't seem to make a difference. She is still pooping, but it is very soft and not very much is coming out. She is 4 years old, so I'm not sure if she is just getting old, or if there is an issue I can help her with. Any advice?
I'd re-check her crop to see if it's emptying overnight.
If it's not, then address that symptom.

The extra calcium was suggested in another thread because you thought perhaps she was struggling with passing an egg.

If possible, take a sample of her poop to your vet to have a fecal float to rule out worms as part of the problem.

It's not uncommon for laying hens to start to have reproductive problems, their symptoms can come and go at times and can seem to be puzzling as well.

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