Chickens earlobes turning white?


May 12, 2015
New York
Does anyone know whats going on with these chickens? I assumed at first that it was like some kind of bruising because i had just introduced some new chickens (who where quarantined) into the flock, they have been trying to establish their pecking order and i saw one chicken grab on to that spot. Now both of the different flocks have it and i'm worried that its something to worry about.

It could be dry skin since it is summer, but favus a fungus, sometimes looks powdery and white. Favus can spread to the face, comb, and wattles. Lotrimin (clotrimazole) or Monistat 7 (miconazole) will treat favus. Or you could wait and watch it, or just use some coconut oil to moisturize the skin.
When we were moving the new chickens we had to grab them, so i had my fiance grab the rooster(the one in the last picture) and i felt the white area, it felt soft and velvety. It didn't feel dry to me. Everyones eating and acts fine, i just wanted to make sure it wasn't something immediately life threatening. I had my main rooster die just last sunday suddenly from unknown causes (we think it was a heart attack. he didn't have any of the white.) So now i'm a little bit more worried that somethings going on. I'll look up the favus and do some research. Meanwhile as long as everyone seems fine then i'll just wait and watch. Thank you.
You also might Google the breeds of your chickens, and look for images and pictures of others, since earlobes can change color. In some chickens white earlobes are normal.
You also might Google the breeds of your chickens, and look for images and pictures of others, since earlobes can change color. In some chickens white earlobes are normal.
The first picture is of a gold laced wyandotte, the other 2 are mixed breeds(araucana/plymouth rock/golden comet) and they are from our new flock so i don't know for sure on them. But i also have a buff orpington hen that has the white stuff going on. I've looked up so much stuff trying to find out what's going on to no avail, but i did find out about the certain breeds that have white earlobes(boy do they look weird) I don't think that its breed related.
That colored earlobe can occur when crossing breeds. It can pop up in hatchery birds sometimes because hatcheries will cross in Leghorns to increase other breeds' production rates.
That colored earlobe can occur when crossing breeds. It can pop up in hatchery birds sometimes because hatcheries will cross in Leghorns to increase other breeds' production rates.
I didnt know that! Thats is very interesting! I guess i'll be playing the waiting game and see what happens.
Nothing ended up happening. All of them seem healthy and I still have them 2 years later. I still notice it every once in a while on some birds but I think that it's just some kind of bruising from pecking. I never figured anything else out about it.

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